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Palm Trees - EZ Guidance for Info & Care

Want More in the Wide World of Palm Trees?

At Mission: Palm Trees

Palm lovers can calm their palm-related search tasks & worries. Our articles are intended to inform, while having fun, easily Finding What You Want or Need. Without unneeded shoptalk & tiring endless research. We Research For You!

Don't Worry

We Make Palm Tree Details Fun to Know

Do you need palm information for growing or knowing palms?

Without so much technical and/or difficult to pronounce scientific terms? But sometimes, indeed, they're used. Because palm trees have their specialized vocabulary, which we help with!

Palm tree knowledge made simple through our

  • Plain-English explanations
  • Solutions to common problems
  • Palm personalized growing advice
  • Just clear, actionable guidance

We unravel all kinds of facts about Palm Trees. But still, there are all these questions or worries you might have! Like...

  • How should I plant a palm? Did I do it correctly?
  • What can harm them? How do they successfully grow?
  • What kind of money do I need to buy palms? What type of palm is suitable for where I live?


Two Young People concerned about Brown Leaf  Tips On Backyard Palm TreeWe Help With This:
Brown Palm Leaves -
Diagnosis & Treatment

Let's Do Palm Tree Discovery Together

Have you found that most palm-related websites, books & forums use lots of technical jargon?

Plus it isn't always easy searching through them to find what you need about problems and their solutions. Taking you lots of time to get questions answered.

Here at Mission: Palm Trees we speak clearly! So you can quickly & easily get reliable details on what you need. We continually learn more, research palm details, use authentic references, take courses & find the best solutions related to palm trees.

You're on our mind. For calming your doubts & worries. No jitters about figuring out unexplained palm jargon! Don't be perplexed. We even Give You Direct Answers to your questions.

Our aim is doing our best to help you with useful details.

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You're Here,
In The Best Place If...

You want to solve palm problems. Easily if possible! By getting Palm Tree Care Tips.

  1. You're even wondering if what you see even IS a problem! 😏

You love visiting palmy places. For relaxation, inspirational ideas, and/or photography: like botanical gardens, palm groves, or tropical beach sunsets.

Palms adjacent to a fountain pool at Darwin Botanical GardensDarwin Botanical Gardens:
Getting Landscaping Inspiration

Maybe you want more about unique palms you might not have heard of. Or more information on palm trees you are acquainted with.

Or your interest in palms is expanding. So you'd like to be able to know which palm you're looking at. But palm tree identification isn't easy.

  1. It can make you feel overwhelmed sometimes. 
  2. Yet so exciting when you can tell which palm you're seeing!
Looking up at palm tree crowns

Perhaps you like being surrounded by palm themes in your home. For personal styling.

You just possibly like learning more about tropical plants!

Here's What's at Mission: Palm Trees

And Where to Find It...


Find something you might need, right now. Start Your Palm Journey With Our Beginner-Friendly Guides

The Basics: What IS a Palm Tree?

How Palms Grow>

What Others Say
About Mission: Palm Trees

From Dana in FL: "Hello Karen & Bill, Your website is invaluable. Thank you for posting this information."

From Susan D in NZ: "Your new page is a gem!"

From Mike M: "Excellent information, Karen. The video on the webpage link was also very informative. Thank you for taking the time to educate me."

From Christina in Utah: "I stumbled across your site and found it incredibly informative and interesting. I loved the page about where to visit to see palm trees."

From Peter who received specific advice here, from us: "Thank you Karen. You have been a great help."

And from Natalie, who asked a question via our Contact Form & getting a reply: I appreciate your website and knowledge and have bookmarked it for future reference!

Find More Palm Resources & Guides

 The Good To Know -
Fun To Know -
Need To Know -

Are you just getting started with palm trees? We'll be your trusted palm tree resource.

Are you planning palms for your garden or yard? Do you know about planting the right palm in the right place? Discovering those types of palm trees for your location.

Does our palm tree slogan:

 Not Only Radiant Plants - They're a Fun Lifestyle - ring a bell for you?

Choose one of these pages that interests you, or to help you out.

See Our Newest Palm Tree Info

Latest Palm Update

  1. Mission: Palm Trees Site Map - Index for All Content Listed

    Mission Palm Trees Logo Palms
    Mission: Palm Trees site map - We've updated again. Find what you need here. All pages listed by category headings. A complete site index listing.

    Take me there>

  2. Majesty Palm: Indoor or Outdoor? Which is Better for You?

    topography and climate maps of Madagascar
    Confused about majesty palms indoor or outdoor placement? This guide clarifies the best location for your majesty palm, ensuring its health and longevity.

    Take me there>

More About Palm Trees On the Way!

What more will we have coming up?

Keep watching, as we always have others in the works! For instance these future subjects to be published

  • Palm Tree diseases & fungus problems
  • Details on palm tree species, like the Bismarck palm, fishtail palms & pygmy date palms
  • Places where palms are, like in Florida, Nevada, Louisiana, Oregon & Palm Springs
horseback riding group into a Hawaiian valleyDiscovering Palms in Hawaii!

Why Our Mission is Palm Trees

We're Karen & Bill. We live in Tucson Arizona.

Here where we live, palm trees grow throughout our town. It gives our city a desert palmy ambience we like. And we love being & living Where Palm Trees Can Grow. That's one reason why Tucson is our home! (See Our Story>)

Palm trees are our passionate mission! We hope you're enjoying our fun-loving, easy-peasy take on knowing palms. That it's not only informative, but is also an entertaining adventure for everyone. That includes you!

We, ourselves, always want to know more! And there's so, so much to know about palm trees. We want to be sure to get the latest, best and most helpful information to you here.

That's why we're always learning, always researching.

And we're always interested in making these pages user-friendly. It's about getting you what you want and/or need. Just let us know - go ahead and tell us. What do you need, what would you like to see here? How can we help you?

You can directly Message Us - Get some personalized palm care tips. We'll get back to you pretty quickly.

Still not finding exactly what you're looking for? We have another help for that too! 

Check Out Our Site Map / Index

Our Takeaways for Palm Trees

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An excellent way to keep in touch, get palm identification tips, plus unlock free premium info, is Coming Along With Us Here at our Palm Nation> 

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