What is a palm tree - Did you ask?
You can certainly get a technical dictionary-like, or botanical definition. And we'll help you with that, alright. But will that get your understanding of what a palm tree really is?
We're not sure it will. If you want to understand some of the basics about this gorgeous plant. Because you can say, it is a "tree" of a different sort!
Or if you want to get the Science Classification out of the way, right away. Or scroll a short way down to see it!
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First of course it's in the plant kingdom. The family that palms are in is called Arecaceae (preferred). Still sometimes called Palmae (the older name). It's a woody, perennial with many varieties.
Sort-of think of it how it's organized, like your own family tree. The whole tree, with its branches, is the family. With the couple who began their tree of descendants.
Cousins & Their Parents
Next think about your aunts, uncles & cousins. That begins other smaller branchings. You're all related by DNA. You might have some similar characteristics.
I remember two cousins I knew who almost looked like they could be twin sisters! You may have known someone like that yourself.
Mom & Dad
Then look to your family tree branches for your parents. This is your closest relationship.
Then there are also your brothers & sisters. They're also very closely related.
We hope that gives a general idea of how that all works. But there's more to knowing about what is a palm tree to understand this unique plant!
Palm trees grow primarily from seed. Yet they do have ways of spreading out by using suckers from their base to grow more trunks. That's called clumping or clustering. That's an alternate Palm Propagation Choice, used on occasion.
Palms are monocots. The seedling has only one seed leaf. It sprouts from the seed to rise above ground.
This separates them from most deciduous trees, shrubs & garden flowers. They're all dicots. Palm seeds range from easily starting to sprout, to quite difficult.
What they all do is begin the below ground action first. They all need warm temperatures for success. A minimum of 86oF up to even the high 90s to 100oF range.
First Growth
From the seed bottom out shoots a cotyledonary petiole. It's not a root, though it grows downward. Until below it does start a seedling root (radicle).
Next Growth
From the top of that petiole comes the seedling stem (plumule). To form the trunk's beginnings. And atop it, the first single leaf.
Root Change
Soon the seedling root stops working. Replaced by root growth from the stem's specialty area. Called the root initiation zone. This happens during the palm's Establishment Phase.
For more understanding on what is a palm tree, think about this Establishment Phase. The Baby Palm Tree forms the meristem, or palm heart. That starts upward growth. While getting to this time, two things are happening:
The palm's stem, or trunk, grows above ground. That can't begin until the Establishment Phase is ready. When the palm heart gets to an effective size.
While growing, a baby palm tree first works on expanding its base trunk to full width. It won't grow further upward until that is all done. Creating the footing for upward growth to maturity.
So take heart, when your baby palm tree isn't getting taller! That's normal. It must finish its establishment phase. It must first grow its trunk to its greatest diameter. Then it will begin to grow taller.
Because it's a Monocot, the palm's guts are totally different from a typical elm or beech tree.
If you've ever seen the stump of a palm tree, you may have noticed there aren't growth rings. Like what you're used to seeing on oak or maple tree stumps.
Because it's a Monocot, the palm's guts are totally different from a typical elm or beech tree.
If you've ever seen the stump of a palm tree, you may have noticed there aren't growth rings. Like what you're used to seeing on oak or maple tree stumps.
A specialized system brings nourishment from the roots upward throughout the palm. It's through many palm bundles. These bundles are networks to move the palm's "food" throughout the plant. It has these parts:
The bundles are scattered amidst soft inner tissue. These stiffly covered bundles are jammed into outer trunk areas. And dispersed toward the center. Compare this bundle network to steel rebar reinforcement.
That's why during tremendous wind conditions, palms can bend without breaking.
Palm trunks don't have a typical bark layer. They do have an outer hard layer that's protective. The look of the Trunk's Surface is quite variable, depending on the species.
Trunks begin growing from seedlings. To hold up palm fronds. And support the entire plant. Palm Trunks have surprising varieties of Palm Tree Colors existing throughout the world.
The name for palm tree leaves is palm fronds. Their biological structure is basically like other leafed plants.
Yet they do have some unique aspects.
The frond's stalk or stem is called the petiole. The attachment to the trunk is called the leaf base or Leaf Sheath. The frond has a lifespan. Different palm species manage this in various ways:
Fronds are separated widely into two groups. Based on the blade's (the green leafy area) appearance:
Both of these fronds can be further subdivided.
Are you learning what exactly is a palm tree? Please Let Us Know> Getting to know the terms & Parts of a Palm. To help your understanding gradually become easier!
Palm trees have their own unique ways to produce flowers.
Variably for when they begin to show. Some after about three years old. Others not until 30+ years under their belt!
Palm tree flowers are very small. But they grow out onto a long branching called an Inflorescence.
Where the inflorescence grows from the trunk is also helpful for palm identification.
It springs from different areas depending on species:
Most palms will have three to five inflorescences grow out each year. Some only one yearly.
The inflorescence begins with a specialized protective leaf covering. Called a bract or spathe. It doesn't look like a leaf, but has a woody look to it.
It opens up to allow the branching to start.
Along the usually lengthy inflorescence are tons of small flowers. That's what makes palm tree flowers more vivid to the eye. Yet, they don't stay around long. Sometimes a day or less!
Most have yellow to creamy coloring. But some are pink to reddish, green or orange. They also can smell quite nice.
Though numbers of them are stinky!
Pollination mostly happens with the help of insects. Sometimes it's with the wind's pollen transfer.
Palms have several flower genders:
Palm plants have Multiple Gender Arrangements.
A palm species' inflorescence has both male & female unisexual flowers.
What Is A Palm Tree Flower For?
All in all, the purpose of the flowers, of course, is to form Palm Fruits. Which carry on this gorgeous species, by using their reproductive process.
When making fruit, it then gives more seeds for growing more palms.
There are so many palm tree varieties to consider. You really have to figure the reason for knowing what is a palm tree in your search. Perhaps you were looking into one of these:
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Our Mission: Palm Trees Site Index>
Palms can be analyzed with Linnaeus's scientific name analysis. Learning about where they fit within their anatomy helps to learn more about palms. Including those you've never seen.
The parts of palm trees will be a logical progression.