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How to Decorate Palm Trees

Have you wondered how to decorate palm trees? Do you have palm trees in your yard? People like to frame their front entryway. Are your palms in the backyard (that's the only place our HOA currently allows!)?

You were wondering how to jazz them up! Or maybe get them gussied up for the holidays! That's a nice way to show your beautiful palm tree specimens. People will admire them even more!

At Mission: Palm Trees

Palm lovers can calm their palm-related search tasks & worries. Our articles are intended to inform, while having fun, easily Finding What You Want or Need. Without unneeded shoptalk & tiring endless research. We Research For You!

Let's see!

We've got lots of tips. How else can we get to decorate palm trees?

  • String lights around the trunk of your palm tree, For Holidays or even year-round.
  1. See The Steps For Stringing Lights>
  1. One idea: Try Using Uplighting for palm trees
Poster advising on where to get tips to decorate a palm tree
Large pine decorated for Christmas in between two palmsHere Comes the Holiday Season! See How To Decorate Our Palm Trees!

Let's see what Outdoor Palm Decorating Ideas are best for your palm tree and your yard's landscape. Or maybe you have potted types of indoor palms. There are ideas for how to Decorate Indoor Palm Trees for them, too!

Outdoor Palm Tree Decor

Most people think of using lights in some way, for outdoor palm tree decorating. That's really a top idea.

Is your palm tree next to the patio, firepit or bar area? The area where you do regular outdoor entertaining? We know an ideal way to Decorate Palm Trees Outside. You can place sparkling lights to brighten the area for evening get-togethers.

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And how about greeting guests at your entryway with palm decor?

Do you have a palm at your Entryway? It can help greet, along with your door entry mat, like This Palm Tree Door mat we've got at our own front door. Especially like that it's made with coir, from Coconut Palms.

Small palm tree on the entryway sidewalk to a home.Have a Small Palm at Your Home's Entry?
Easily Place A String of Lights Amidst the Fronds
Brightly Greet Your Guests! Idea for How to Decorate Palm Trees

What are other reasons for placing outdoor palm tree decorations? If you're having a luau, or another tropically themed party. Then they may be temporary.


Figure out how to decorate palm trees by seeing the number of Light Strands To Buy. The smaller distance between strands makes for brighter lighting. But start with maximal distance in your measurements, maybe about two feet apart. (Math formula examples highlighted in parentheses.)

  • Determine how far above ground to begin, then measure how far up the trunk to end. Divide that in half. (Starting 1 foot above ground, to 12 feet above ground = 11 feet. Divide by 2 = 5-1/2 ft.)
  • Now measure around the trunk to find the circumference. (Around the trunk = 3 feet.) Multiply the halved height measurement, by the circumference. Be sure they're the same units. (5-1/2 ft. X 3 = 16-1/2 feet.)
  • With that final measurement, you're ready to find lights for your palm tree. Always adjustable for your desired outcome. Most Outdoor Light Strings come in sizes from at least 20 feet long.
  • When Shopping For Palm Tree Lights, look at the strand's length. Usually in feet. But when doing math, be sure all measurements are the same units.
  • Match up how many strands you'll need. Use longer or more strands if you want brighter light, stringing them closer together.
  • Also figure out where they'll be plugged into power. Plus keep the cord away from walkways.

Best Installation of Palm Tree Lights

If your palm tree is large, we don't recommend this as a DIY.

Can you decorate smaller palm trees instead? Or at least hire a pro.

Smaller palms on a patio area best for decorating

If you feel you can do this yourself, be sure your tools/supplies are at hand. Our suggestions:

Be sure to have a helper. And please, Be Aware of All Precautions.

Bucket lift truck drawingFor Your Safety, Should You Rent This?
  • Test your lights first, being sure all bulbs work. Think of where you'll plug into power.
  • Begin with strands unplugged. Start at the top, with assistance from helper, each on either side of the trunk. 
  • Securely tape strand's upper end to the trunk. (OR see good method on the film clip below!) Begin winding the strand around the palm, gradually moving downward. 


He Uses A Cable Clip Something Like This>

  • Wind it snugly. So you won't need tape to secure it as you go.
  • We don't recommend stapling to the trunk along the way. 1st: possible electrical wire encroachment danger. 2nd: may harm the palm's health.

Frond boots on some species make for nice wedging shelves for support.

Connect another strand if needed. Finally plug it in to see your results.

A Rough Palm Tree TrunkLeftover Dead Frond Remains
Can Help Hold Up Your Decorative Light Strings

Alternate Outdoor Palm Tree Decor


It's not essential to go through all the above. You could add palm tree string lights to your patio's roof, or along your bar's edge. Along your deck's railing.

Or instead use uplighting. That's probably easier, but likely less dramatic/festive & more expensive.

Another Idea is to string up Palm Tree Leaves on posts (if you have access - they could be real ones, too!). Put them along your bar edge, on rear edges of seating, etc.

What Else?

  1. If you like it enough, it could be good enough for year-round. Like the palm's own Hawaiian skirt!
  2. Or to jazz up the winter's burlap protective coat.
  • String palm tree lights among lower branches of another type of tree that's nearby your palm. 
  • Or loop the strings amongst patio beam supports or around areas where your palms grow.
  • Or forget the lights!!
  1. And hang a Palm Tree Tapestry in an appropriate spot!

All These Are Certainly Easier To Do!

Artistic Palm Tree has lights strung up between it and othersString Decorative Lights Around Your Palm Tree Plantings


You don't live Where Palm Trees Can Grow?

You could decorate your indoor palm trees, or use an Imitation Palm Tree suited up with holiday decor.

Give your entertainment area a Holiday Tropics aura. For a specific event. Or all summer long! By following some of the above suggestions.

Uplighting For Palm Trees

Don't want to get into all the work and/or stress of adding stringed lights to your palm trees? There's another idea. Why not try uplighting for palm trees?

If you have a well-formed stunning palm tree, it's a nice way to spotlight its beauty.

Techniques for uplighting palm trees are actually outdoor architectural features. For your property's security. Also for a sense of orientation while walking through a yard in the dark.

Palms Lit Up Along a Walkway at a Disney World ResortVibrant Colors for Uplit Palm Trees Along This Disney World Resort's Walkway
Photo: Jared at Flickr - CC BY 4.0

More subtle, directed lighting can also brighten up your evening entertainment area.

For instance, bollard Luminaries. Adding to that tropical nighttime glow!

Reflections Monument in Martini ParkAdding Bollard Uplighting Focuses on a Tree's Crown
Think of This Look for Your Palm Tree!

Photo: Gouwenaar - CC BY-SA 4.0

Outdoor Lighted Palm Trees

Let's figure out how to decorate palm trees, with outdoor lighting. Think how they should look. The overall effect. What's the shape & size of your palm's crown? Consider its type of fronds, the texture of the trunk, and the total height of your palm tree.

All part of the architectural sense.


  • Situate lighting so it streams upward along the trunk. It seems to be glowing from within the crown, as it reaches that area.
  • Use three Ground Lights, recessed, to feature the entire tree.
  1. This way you're pointing to the palm's overall shape. Plus showing highlights: fronds flowing in the breeze & textures in the trunk.
Lit Up Palms in Curtis Hixon Waterfront Park in TampaUplighted Palms
Curtis Hixon Waterfront Park in Tampa FL Uses This Idea

Photo: Cindyb1096 - CC BY-SA 4.0

Types of Uplighting for Palm Trees

Moveable/Flexible Lighting - Main examples are floodlights & projectors.

  • These are quite visible. 
  • You can easily change around where you put them. 
  • Stay in the ground with a stake.

Permanent Placement Lighting - Major example is a ground-recessed luminaire.

  • Sunk into the ground. Unseen and/or unnoticeable to not attract attention.
  • Can be well-covered, disguised & protected.
  • When done right, vehicles can even drive on top of them.


Light Distribution - Choosing the width of the light beam. Match to the shape of what you're emphasizing

  • For highlighting the crown, pick the 50o light distribution setting.
  • For highlighting a specific spot, choose 8-10o. For instance, featuring the inflorescence.
  • The closer the location of your light source, the wider the light distribution must be. Carefully avoid light spill-over.
floodlightingAs lighting is placed closer to your palm tree, the width of the beam setting is increased.
  • Evenly accenting the whole palm tree
  • Best with three floodlights placed evenly, circling the tree
  • Aim upward at approximately 30o angle.
Lit Palm Trees along a walkwayLighting Circles Each Palm Tree to Illuminate the Whole Plant
  • Be sure the light's power & direction is only what's needed to feature your desired palm.
Lighted Up Palm TreeA Most Beneficial Focused Lighting
  1. Most effective for your designated focus.
  2. Adjustable light strength is a good feature. Try for the lowest illumination level contrasting for your area's natural darkness.  
  3. Avoiding environmental light pollution is the responsible way to go. Particularly for places known for night skies, or telescopes. We live in Tucson, where there are nearby scopes at Kitt Peak Observatory.

Think of Your Local Conditions - Protect your lighting investment. Prevention by evaluation. Look for the IP Ratings (Ingress Protection) of the product you may buy. What are IP Ratings?

  • 1st number represents solids, 2nd number for liquids.
  • Water Resistance - 0= No Protection.
  1. From 1: resistant to condensation drops, for instance dew. To 6: resistant to strong jets of water, for instance pressurized streams.
  • Breach by Solids - 0= No Protection.
  1. From 1: resistant to harm from accidental touch by objects 1.99+ inches (50mm+). To 6: Totally protected from all dust.

Christmas Lights on Palm Trees

You'll see Christmas lights on palms if you live in areas Where Palm Trees Grow. On social media, you'll probably see lots of photos too. Especially during the holiday season.

If you have a palm tree, you may think about stringing Christmas lights on your own palm. But wonder how to go about it.


It's easier for your DIY Project when you have a small palm tree with a solitary trunk. That's the ideal, for palm lights. You may just need small step ladders or even a step-stool.

If you have a small palm tree that's the clumping type, it's also doable. But the method will be different. More like stringing Christmas lights on a pine tree for the holidays.

You've likely done that. Use that same routine.

Small Palm trees decorated for Christmas in a Hawaiian ParadiseSmall Palms at a Hawaiian Event Were Easily Swirled with Light Strings
Jack Miller @Flickr - CC BY-SA 4.0


Do you have a huge, gorgeous palm tree you're really interested in glamming up for the holidays?

We recommend getting a professional to take care of it. Especially if you want to take the lights far up the trunk.

Business Building's Decorated Palm Trunks for the HolidaysDecorating With Light Strings on Large Palm Trees For Christmas Time
Going Only Partway Up the Trunk is the Safest Method, for DIY

Photo: Joel @Flickr - CC BY-ND 4.0

Or especially into the palm's fronds. It's a job that takes technical know-how & specialized equipment.


Also for this, think cost vs. reward! It can cost approximately $1500 for a pro to do the job. You think you'll do it yourself? The cost will be lower, probably no more than $300 for all you need.

But then think risk vs. reward. (See & Download Our Safety Precautions!) Either way, is it worth it to you?

A safer option for DIY placement of Christmas lights on very tall palm trees, is to only go partway up the trunk. Maybe to eight or ten feet up at the most.

If you decide to do it yourself, you can follow our Steps to String Palm Lights.

Palm Tree Christmas Decorating Ideas

There are easier palm tree Christmas decorating ideas. Wrapping lights around a palm tree trunk isn't very easy! These are ideas for indoors, as well. If you love palm trees, and want a tropically hued holiday season, check these ideas.

PRELIT PALM TREES - How Easy-Peasy Is One All Set! Just place it, plug it in & enjoy the balmy glow.

  • Take it even farther by adding some tropical ornaments or even some Nautical Types.
Artificial Palm Tree Lit UpA Fake Palm Tree Can Look Pretty Good!


Spread your Palm-Calm cheer around while arranging your holiday home.

  • Do you already have some palm tree decor on, or alongside your side or coffee table? Like a ceramic beach house with a palm tree out front. Or...
  1. Ceramic Palm Frond Tiles in an entryway, on your bar, or as kitchen accessories?
  2. Or palms growing by your Lighthouse Lamp, bringing that seaside mood.
  3. Why not hang a cute, palm-beachy Holiday Style Poster for the merry occasion!


How about one of your inside potted palm trees for decorating?


Traditional at this time of year! Do you place one on your front door?

Wreath for making Christmas Holiday Palm ThemesSelf-Design A Wreath for the Holidays by Adding Palm Fronds & Related Ornaments
Photo: Marco Verch Professional @Flickr - CC BY 4.0
  • Another item to weave palm lights into, if you have a way to get power access.

NEON PALM - Wanna go all out?

  • Place a Neon Sign Featuring A Palm Tree in your window. Then surround that window with a palm light string for that holiday effect. A vivid way to think of how to decorate with palm trees!
  • Or order up your own custom neon sign with palm tree Christmas decorations lit up right on it!
Neon Sign of a Palm TreeWhat Ideas Do You Have for Incorporating a Neon Palms for the Holidays?
Photo: H Michael Karshis @Flickr - CC BY 4.0

How to Decorate Palm Trees With Ornaments

Do you love the tropics? Love thinking of lazing about under palm trees when a cold winter wind is blowing outside?

Have your balmy palm tree Christmas by ringing your palm tree with ornaments for a holiday tree. Whether it's just a couple, or the whole tree has a palm tree ornament theme, it will bring even more warmth to the season!

And don't forget about your indoor potted palm trees! Nice delicate palm ornaments look best on them.

There are Plenty To Choose From.

Decorated Christmas Palm Tree

Have you decorated a Christmas palm tree for the holiday season?

Where we live in Tucson Arizona, lots of people do that in December. In fact, there's even a community that specializes in holiday decorations. Called Winter Haven, several weeks during the season are set aside for tours. It's also used to bring in food bank donations.

Many areas of the world, there are native palms growing. Or are even growing out of their element, with special care. When the holiday season begins, many decorated Christmas palm trees can be seen.

Here are some in our town!

How to Decorate Palm Trees - Some Takeaways


If you've decorated you own palm tree for the Christmas season, that's wonderful! Or maybe for another holiday season at this festive time of year. Excellent!

If not we've provided many ideas to get your brain revolving around how to decorate you palms trees. Whenever it is you'd like to do that!

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