Where do you find a desert with palm trees?
Many continents have deserts, but not all deserts support conditions for growth of palm trees.
See what's good to know:
What conditions form a desert where palms grow?
Climate & plants are what define deserts. What conditions support palms in deserts?
Deserts where palm trees grow have arid-like climates. Which means no more than 20in/50cm of average rainfall per year.
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Worldwide, there are three basic types of deserts where palms can grow.
Cold Deserts are a fourth desert type, but they won't sustain palm tree life.
That's those cold polar ice/tundra areas with drastic winter extremes, often below freezing. Like the Antarctic continent.
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Most palms aren't naturally built for adaptations needed to survive arid climates.
Though it's in their nature to tolerate drought conditions for a short time. They don't come with typical systems for water storage, as do Cycad Varieties and The Many Succulents.
But do drought-tolerant palms have adaptions to survive in deserts?
Rather than having major adaptations, desert-friendly palms grow in the best places.
They're successful near oases, small streams, and intermittent dry arroyo beds. Their access to water is essential.
Palms don't store water, as Desert Cacti can.
With arid conditions over time a trunk section can shrink inward. It remains this way, as cells in that area have died.
All palm species have their own range of temperature toleration.
Look at the highest listed temperature range in the USDA hardiness zone for a species. About the best way to determine the highest safe temperature for a particular palm.
Roots are the best arid adaptation method for a desert with palm trees.
Even palms growing in deserts have uses.
At the right time, Palms Produce Fruit from their fertilized flowers. Some can be eaten, and are liked by humans. Think of The Date Palm date varieties, and Peach Palm Fruits.
Some people use other parts of palms for food. A few important examples:
Palms have been Honored With Various Meanings in ancient to modern day cultures.
Look at food ingredient labels. You may see palm oil listed.
Some deserts are famed for their unique geology. Which ones are notable for palm trees?
The Sahara Desert, the 3rd largest in the world is an arid desert.
Recently the Sahara has received more rain that previously, refilling lakes & ponds.
Palm Springs has Many Palm Trees On Every Street!
The average yearly rainfall here is 4.83in/12cm from1981 to 2010 according to NOAA. Technically it's in the western-most part of the Sonoran Desert.
Very low rainfall for that desert biome makes Palm Springs an Arid Desert.
This desert with palm trees city wasn't Named For Palms.
When Spanish explorers José María Estudillo & Brevet Captain José Romero came through here, they called it La Palma de la Mano de Dios. In English: The Palm of God's Hand.
So originally it was an altogether different palm!
Another California City with arid conditions is Los Angeles where a Desert Palm Plant grows. How about Seeing Famous Mulholland Drive>
Down under there's a semiarid desert: the Simpson Desert.
We drove from Adelaide to Uluru and on to Alice Springs. It was a trip of a lifetime for us. A place Where Everywhere You Look is Like a Painting!
In the Simpson Desert, palms grow in Finke Gorge National Park, West of Alice Springs & north of Yulara, where This Air Experience is Loved.
Dubai is in The Arabian Desert, fourth largest in the world by square mileage.
The City of Dubai is in this hot/arid desert. Because according to the Dubai Meteorological Office, Dubai's average rainfall has been 3.73in/9.5cm.
Since the bronze age, several palm genera have grown in the Near & Middle East. They include Chamaerops, Hyphaene, Medemia, and Nannorrhops. Phoenix palms, also, as P.dactylifera may be native.
The Sonoran Desert is Quite Diverse for plants & animals.
We had to include the Sonoran Desert. It's a desert with palm trees Where We Live! We've planted palms here on our property In Tucson Arizona. Most recently a Brahea nitida.
The Sonoran is ranked 15th in the world by area. Three more deserts are in the USA: The Great Basin, Mojave Desert, and Chihuahuan.
Best Times to Visit - Typically you'd want to go when temperatures are more moderate.
Popular Tourist Destinations - Any deserts we've mentioned have great places to try.
Wherever you might go to see a desert with palm trees, there will be unique photography opportunities surrounding you. But be sure you check any local travel advisory tips before beginning your plans.
There's often no worry for desert soils making drought-tolerant palms happy.
But the balance of water & sun are main cultivation requirements for growing desert palms. While getting established, they need:
After their first year, watering can be cut back, and fun sunlight is welcomed.
Maintenance Tips are about the same as most other palms.
Some Oases have been drying up in recent years.
Yet you've witnessed a comeback in the Sahara Desert, which was a surprise. Anymore, with climate change effects, weather throws us all lots of curves!
Conservation efforts are always ongoing for palms, including in deserts with palm trees. The renowned International Palm Society is always involved this way.
A wide range of drought-hardy, sun loving palms are found in deserts.
Think of the Date Palm, which is cultivated in arid countries around the world. Many dry climate areas have native desert palm species. But other introduced palm varieties also grow.
Around our state, there's plenty of Arizona Palm Trees. The most common are W.filifera and W.robusta. But also Syagrus romanzoffiana & Phoenix canariensis are very popular.
We'll show you a few others.
For those of you wanting to plant in a desert climate, we have some suggestions. Plus some palm species ideas.
Local Microclimates are important. For instance, a coastal desert usually isn't as severe as an inland desert.
Think about your climate. In particular, how cold it gets.
Know the exact needs for your palm tree species. Which are useful to know for growing those drought-tolerant plants.
Bismarckia nobilis has bluish tinged fronds that love full sun. But not temps going to freezing level. If too long, they can Suffer Cold Damage.
You can stop In to See This Amazing Palm House, when traveling through Australia.
Nannorrhops ritcheana is a pretty clustering palm. Slowly getting only to 20ft/6m.
See it along with many other palms at Marie Selby Botanical Gardens, In Sarasota Florida.
Closest to Alta Vista Botanical Garden
A Bit Longer Drive, Yet Close Enough!
While you're there in San Diego North County, we recommend Carlsbad Village, a wonderful little community. While there try This Food Tour, or how about taking the Kids To Legoland.
Brahea edulis loves Zone 8!
Where deserts are sandy & rocky, with full sun. For damp climate Zones 9-11 it's also suitable.
Hear How It's Recovering From Near Extinction! 😃
You've seen that around the world there are deserts with palm trees.
We covered all the deserts that are arid places where palms find a home. These palms are drought-hardy, full-sun loving, and flexible for soils.
If you have any questions we didn't answer, please Contact Us!