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Different Kinds of Palm Trees

An excellent way to learn about different kinds of palm trees is to visit a botanical garden or arboretum that has palm plant collections. But meanwhile, we've got different kinds of palms to show you!

Palm trees are diverse, unique plants that are beloved by people around the world. We'll see what makes their special place in the world. Because there are over 2700 species of palms!

No matter your experience or interest in palms, there's always something new to discover about these fascinating plants. We've found those with assorted growth habits & adaptations to what your preference may be.

For those interested in adding palms to their own landscapes or indoor spaces, we'll show you the species that are well-suited for you. Maybe you're just curious about all the different kinds of palm trees there are! 

So Many Types of Palms

At Mission: Palm Trees

Palm lovers can calm their palm-related search tasks & worries. Our articles are intended to inform, while having fun, easily Finding What You Want or Need. Without unneeded shoptalk & tiring endless research. We Research For You!

All Kinds of Palm Trees

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(OR scroll on down to see all the varieties! To begin learning  How to Identify Palm Trees...)

Palm Trees for Full Sun

bright sun shining down on multiple palm treesAhhhh - The Sun Shining Through the Palms. What a Life!!

Do you live in a sunny climate, like the subtropics? Where the sun shines nearly every day.

Or do you live in a Desert Climate, like we do? Where Different Types of Palm Trees Grow.

Most palms love sunlight. Those below love full sun.

There are even More Outdoor Palm Plants for full sun.

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Do you live in the tropics? It's so sunny there! South Florida is typical. For a wide variety of Types of Fan Palms or a Feather Palm Tree that's perfect for you.

Free Newspaper being distributed to several people on a rainy day in FloridaThe Evening Independent Newspaper Free When it Rained in St. Petersburg FL
In 76 Years of the Promotion, Free Newspapers Were Given Out 296 Times!
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Different Kinds of Palm Trees for Full Sun

The Coconut Palm

Cocos nucifera is about the most iconic of Fast Growing Palm Trees that love the sun. Tall (to 100ft/30m), slender trunk & Feathery Fronds. Grows quickly in ideal tropical landscapes (Zones 10b-11).

 Those delicious Palm Fruits! Plus most parts of the Coconut Palm are useful.

the crown of a coconut palm tree with multiple coconut fruits hanging below the frondsYes, it's also the source of coconuts. (Image: Dharwad at Pixels)

Florida Thatch Palm

Thrinax radiata is native to the Caribbean and Florida Keys.

  • Loves sandy soil, with thrifty water needs.
  • Slowly grows to 50ft/15m, easily in Zones 10-11. Carefully in 9b.
Florida Thatch Palm Tree in a container outdoors in a garden.Ready for Your Outdoor Landscaping Plan
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Queen Palm

Syagrus romanzoffiana can grow to 90ft/27m ideal watering - lots of it! Best for Zones 9-11 & 8b doable if carefully managed.

People in Tucson Arizona (Zone 9) plant Queens frequently. But they don't always stay healthy looking. 😟

Three Queen Palms in Maui, with other tropical plants nearby.Beautiful Queens Growing Happily With Sun & Rain in Maui
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Small Types of Palm Trees

Pygmy Date Palm

Phoenix roebelenii, AKA Miniature Date Palm. Gets about 10ft/3m in Zones 8b-11.

  • Full sun is best. Give extra water so it does well.
Pygmy Date Palm surrounded by turfAKA Miniature Date Palm - Here About Full Height

Dwarf Palmetto

Sabal minor has plodding growth, reaching only 6ft/1.8m. Zones 6-11, even warmest 5b.

  • Originated in swampy southeastern US areas. Has a very low trunk.
  • Likes soppy roots & some shade! Makes a good ground-cover palm, if you can take the water bill!
short palm trees with spreading frondsAnother Nickname: Bush Palmetto
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Needle Palm

Rhapidophyllum hystrix, also called Vegetable Porcupine, may be the most frost tolerant palm.

  • Works well in Zones 6b-11 when given a bit more water than average.
  • Maxes out at 12ft/4m.
Needle Palm in Florida mulched with reddish brown rocksNearly Hidden Needles Atop Each Growing Point in Its Clustering Style

Medium Sized Palm Trees

Looking for different kinds of palm trees for Landscaping Ideas? Medium Size Palm Trees are ideal for smaller backyards. Those from over 20ft/6m to about 60ft/18m.

Barbados Silver Palm

Coccothrinax barbadensis is hardy in Zone 9b-11 sun-swept places.

  • Ambles upward to 55ft/16.5m. Likes the coast!
  • With low water needs.
Young Barbados Silver Palm growing in a garden.Beach Vacation in Barbados? You'll Meet This One!
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Pindo Palm

Butia capitata is good in Zones 8-11 with watchful care.

  • Gets to 35ft/10.5m.
  • Edible fruit tastes sorta like pineapply banana.
  • Average watering & gets through droughts.
Pindo palm tree growing alongside a building in a garden.Also nicknamed Jelly Palm for its Sweet Fruit

Teddy Bear Palm

Dypsis leptocheilos for Zones 10-11. Gorgeous, with its fuzzy brownish crownshaft.

  • Medium watering schedule. Growing to 30ft/9m tall.
  • Palms with crownshafts don't need pruning. Why is this Palm Tree Self-Cleaning?
Teddy Bear Palm at Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden, MiamiFairchild Tropical Botanic Garden. AKA Redneck Palm

Fast Growing Palm Trees

You get a new palm planted in your yard or garden! Yay!! It's just a little tyke. Then you begin watching it grow. It's soooo slow!

Are you impatient to see that wonderful palm tree at a good height? We'll show you some that don't lag! Even see more different kinds of Palm Trees That Grow Quickly.

Close-up of two hands stretching out a tape measureIs It Growing Taller Yet??

Foxtail Palm

Wodyetia bifurcata is an Aussie native. Featuring bushy fronds resembling fox tails.

  • Grows fast up to 60ft/18m, after the seedling stage, in Zones 10-11.
  • Looks best with ample watering.
Foxtail palm tree named for the bushy look of its fronds, similar looking to a fox taiilMight be the Fastest Growing Palm of All! Note its Crownshaft.

Mexican Fan Palm

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Washingtonia robusta for Zones 9-11. You'll recognize it being that Tall Palm Tree in LA.

  • Loves sun & tolerates poor soil.
  • Can get to 100ft/30m quickly, especially with extra watering.
Mexican Fan Palms in front of a building on a street.But It Tolerates Drought, as Seen Here in Tucson Arizona
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Majesty Palm

Ravenea rivularis AKA Majestic Palm. Gets to 50ft/15m.

  • Give it lots of water & it grows fine in 10-11. Likes loamy soil.
  • Some bring it indoors. If so, add humidifier & bright sunny window.
Majesty palm tree located in front of a buildingDistinctive swollen trunk & full crown. In Maui...
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There Really are Palms for Cold Weather!?

When lower temperatures rule for a short time, Cold Hardy Palms do fine. Suitable in USDA Hardiness Zones 5-8.

Palm Plant covers for protection for winter frostIn colder zones, protect them when temps dip. Get Out Your Palm's Winter Coats!!

Hardy Bamboo Palm

Chamaedorea microspadix grows a bit faster, to 12ft/8m tall in Zones 8b-11.

See Even More Palms Tolerating Temp Dips>

Chamaedorea microspadix palm, nicknamed the Hardy Bamboo Palm because it can survive frost.With Freezing Temps Please Give It an Overcoat!

Mazari Palm

Nannorrhops ritchiana can do Zones 7-11.

  • Gradually getting to about 20ft/6m high.
  • Needs full sun, but low water needs.
Mazari Palm in a Florida Botanical GardenMazari Palm Clusters Outward 15ft/4.5m - Nice as Hedging
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Radicalis Palm

Chamaedorea radicalis grows slowly but steadily. Reaching 5-15ft/1.5-4.5m tall. Zones 8B-11. 8a is possible with protection. Tolerating short temp dips to 20F/-6.7C

  • Prefers some shade, with average watering.
Palm fronds of Radicalis Palm growing at Gardens of Lotusland. Fruits have developed.Those fruits can be irritating! Growing in Lotusland's Gardens in California.
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Best Palm Tree for Shade Areas in a Landscape

Palm's Native Area forms its preferences. Even though all palms like some sun, these palms are A-OK with shade.

Chinese Fan Palm

Livistona chinensis like a little shade. Good for Zones 8b-11.

Chinese Fan Palm with wooden bench adjacent in a parkGrand Full Crown With Fronds That Swoop Downward

Bamboo Palm

Chamaedorea seifrizii is also called Reed Palm. Many grow this indoors.

  • Only 12ft/4m tall, with a hiding crownshaft from its dense frond clusters.
  • Some shade is doable. 9-11 zones, with frost survival. 
Bamboo palm in a planter indoors

Impressive Types of Outdoor Palm Trees

Bismarck Palm

Bismarckia nobilis works well in Zones 9a-11.

  • Averages 60ft/18m maximum height. Quicker growth past seedling stage.
  • Preplan location! Its large, wide canopy is extraordinary.
Bismarck Palms along a Garden Walk in Mission Hills CaliforniaBismarcks Along the Mission Hills Garden Walk in San Diego California

Cabbage Palm

Sabal palmetto, slow-growing but stunning in 7b-11 zones.

  • Average water, with more it grows faster.
  • To 90ft/27m tall.
Sable palmetto with a large round crown and patterned trunk

Types of Indoor Palm Trees

Different kinds of palm trees grow well inside your home. Near to a window for needed light. If you're new to growing Palm Trees Indoors, try starting with a species having easy care.

The Kentia Palm (Howea fosteriana) is the one! A perfect indoor palm with arching fronds. Tolerant of neglect!

Kentia palm on Lord Howe IslandLooks Great Outdoors - Yet Stunning When Potted for Indoors
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Christmas Palm

Adonidia merrillii is a popular potted palm tree for indoor holiday decor. Year round it's fine, too.

  • Produces inflorescences quickly, with colorful red fruit.

Best Palm Trees for Privacy and Screening

Clustering palm trees send out suckers from the "parent" trunk. Forming new stems for a bushy appearance. Useful as a hedge.

Ivory Cane Palm

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Pinanga coronata progresses well to 25ft/7.5m. Zones 10B-11, if treated to rainforest-like setting.

Labeled Pinanga coronata growing in a garden near a fence.Specimen in a Tokyo Greenhouse
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Senegal Date Palm

Phoenix reclinata, good in Zones 9-11.

  • Grows somewhat faster to about 60ft/18m
  • Looks better with extra water.
Senegal Date Palm GroveSenegal Date Palm spreading cluster style, good for privacy.
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Everglades Palm

Acoelorhaphe wrightii clusters nicely.

  • Hardy in Zones 9b-11. Needs room to spread.
  • Likes wet grounds. Slowly but surely grows to 40ft/12m.
Paurotis Palm, also called Everglades Palm in a parkland.Also Called Paurotis Palm. Note its dense growth.
This one is growing in Everglades National Park

Some Palms are Clinging to Life!

Many palm species are endangered from habitat loss, over-collecting, and human activities.

The Malayan Tiger Palm (Johannesteijsmannia altifrons) is another endangered palm that is native to the rainforests of Southeast Asia and is threatened by deforestation and illegal logging. The Huntington Conservatory has a Great Specimen.

Hyophorbe amaricaulis - Called the Loneliest Palm. Needs protection as it's the only one!

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Dypsis decaryi - Nicknamed Triangle Palm. Threatened by overcollection for ornamental landscaping.

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Nypa fruticans - Called Mangrove Palm. From coastal areas of the Indo-Pacific.

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Pseudophoenix ekmanii, aka Ekman's Palm, doesn't grow easily. Endangered from habitat loss & overcollection.

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Ongoing efforts to protect them are in place. But they need palm lovers' help. Why not support a palm nonprofit, like the International Palm Society.

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The loneliest palm in the world, it's the only one leftIn Curepipe
Botanical Garden Mauritius
Palm fronds form a triangular shape on the Triangle PalmDypsis decaryi fronds form a triangular shape. Native to Madagascar.
Beautifully tall Nypa Palm, but endangeredNypa fruticans threatened by coastal development & pollution.
Unique Chubby Trunk on this palm treeEkman's Palm is native to Hispaniola. Such a unique trunk!

Takeaways for Different Kinds of Palm Trees

There is always Something New With Different Kinds of Palm Trees. Seems to be a palm for nearly any category you're thinking of!

We hope you find the one for you here. If not, you can always Ask Us About Others>

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