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How Do Palm Trees Grow ??

How do palm trees grow is a behind the scenes look at the start of these plants. 

Palm trees have been symbols of a warm, tropical paradise, we all know. Their distinctive looks! Often with a tall trunk, streams of flowers that make fruit, large flowing fronds, which newly grow out from the top.

But have you ever wondered how do palm trees grow?

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From seed to towering palm, a fascinating journey. Check out our clear-cut explanation of palm tree growth. Their growth process is kind of mysterious, because it's unique. 

Here, we'll take you through the growing stages of palm trees. Knowing that info can also help you with facts that contribute to their healthy, successful growth.

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Smart Question to Ask to Plan for Success!

Palm Seed Gets Planted

Palm trees most often begin by growing from seed.

The palm's seed is dormant at first, or in a resting/sleeping stage. When it anchors itself into needed surroundings, it begins its growing for future life. It's the beginning of germination.

For that to happen, palm seeds need the right circumstances.

the looks of a bunch of seeds from different palm tree species

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Timing for how palm trees grow from seeds can start from a few weeks to multiple months. It all depends on the seed's "luck of the draw" so to speak. (As well as the Species.) For instance,

  • Was the Palm Tree Seed formed correctly, to begin with? Are all its parts healthy?
  • Were the innermost food resources (kept in the endosperm) of the seed enough to begin palm tree growth?

Was it able to arrive in a suitable growing place? In nature, basically getting there two ways (most of the time):

  • Animals eat palm fruit containing the seed. When the animal voids wastes, the undigestible seed plops there.
  • Some fruit flows along in water streams until landing in a place to germinate. Think of a coconut flowing across a bay.
  • A third way is growing near where it landed, maybe rolling around further away from its "mom" palm - with a wind push, or any odd happening.
ocean waves approaching a coconut on the sand


To grow palm trees, flowers must first be pollinated to produce seeds. It's helpful to think of whether the palm you want is Monoecious or Dioecious. To see how easily pollinators will be successful.

Wondering how do palm trees grow, if you want to Try Planting Palm Seeds yourself? It is possible. But there are some things to remember. It takes consistent care & work.

The seed should be planted in well-draining soil mixture. Then keep it moist until it sprouts. When the seedling pops out of the soil, give it a sunny place to grow. Water it regularly, but don't let the soil become soggy. Give it good drainage. This will help your new palm continue growing.



Still remember, not all palm trees can easily or normally be grown from seed. Some Palm Species need specialized care. Some must have particular propagation methods, usually handled by a professional nursery.

Some consider them Environmentally Questionable. So it's good to consider what type of palm seed you'd like to plant, and how it affects your Local Microclimate.

Palm Tree Seed Germination

When the seed activates, that's called germination. When that starts, lots of action is happening underground for awhile. Before you even realize the palm tree has started growing! Before you see that sprout pop up above the dirt.


Seed enzymes trigger feeding from the seed's endosperm. Giving energy to the embryo to begin growth:

  • A tube pops out from the seed. Growing upward with the first new leaf shoot.
  • From the tube's bottom, the first seedling root grows downward. This primary root is thick,  white & temporary.


  • Usually some roots grow out sideways from it. To begin anchoring the seedling. Streams of Adventitious Roots start growing from just under the soil.
  • The primary root is gradually replaced by the area called the Root Initiation Zone. Setting up success for how palm trees grow. 
  • GROWING TIP: Root growth is always quickest with warmth.
Vintage Date Palm Sprouting illustration by Giorgio Gallesio

Most palms follow this basic start. As usual there are some exceptions to the rule!

How Do Palm Trees Grow From Germination?

Growth Stages of a Palm Tree

Palm trees have several growth stages through their life.


First: Seedling Stage - The palm comes out from the seed, beginning to grow. (As we've seen.)

  • To establish its first sprouting leaf & stalk that becomes the trunk.
  • At the lower end, creating its Root Initiation Zone.

Second: Juvenile Stage - Growth continues by developing its widening trunk & growing fronds.

Third: Mature Stage - Palms reach their full height. They continue growing large numbers of flowers & fruit.

Fourth: Decline Stage - Its final part of life. The palm tree begins showing aging signs, toward its ending lifespan.


The seedling shoots up above ground to begin the Palm's Establishment Phase. That's when it's life is perhaps the most unsteady. It needs the right time, the right place & the right care.

When the seed has sprouted, the young palm begins growing from the plant's center. The growth point, also called the meristem, bud or heart. This really is the heart of the palm. For if it dies, so does the palm tree!

Washingtonia robusta seedlingUprooted Mexican Fan Palm Seedling
Photo: Forest & Kim Starr @Flickr - CC BY 4.0


Primary adventitious roots usually grow outward, in a wide circumference. Sometimes they grow downward or above ground. Their main purpose is anchoring.

Now roots get into their beginnings for full development. All palm roots' growth begins at their maximum thickness. As they extend in length, they never thicken further.

Root growth can branch out to 4 levels. Each level's a bit smaller in size than the level above. But still, each initially grows out at its own maximum thickness. In other words as they get longer, they don't get thinner. These roots absorb water & nutrients. They attach to nourishment bundles in the stem (trunk).

Date palm Diagram artVintage Artwork by Giorgio Gallesio
Shows the Parts of a Newly Growing Date Palm


Baby palms grow above ground by first working to bring the stem (trunk) to its widest circumference. While growing upwards a little with it's seed leaf. The primary job is producing new leaves, while expanding the width of the trunk. It won't grow more height until it gets that fully done.

When the trunk's maximal girth is reached, then upward growth can really begin. As the palm tree grows, it produces more fronds & continues increasing in height. Remember fronds are the food producing factory, once the seedling stage is done.

Many palm trees start growing up slowly. Speed depends on growing conditions & species.

MacArthur Palm sprouting from the ground.Ptychosperma macarthurii, commonly called MaCarthur Palm
This Clumping Palm has Already Grown a 2nd Stem Shoot!

Photo: Jason Thien @Flickr - CC BY 4.0


Now it’s important to have the right conditions for good growing. This means the right sunlight, proper watering & adequate nutrients.


Most palms need a good amount of sunlight throughout the day. Many get by with some shadiness. A few Palms Grow Natively with little sun. These are palms that grew beneath other trees. In shady places. Often in rainforests or boggy areas.

These Types of Palms are often sold as Palm Trees for Indoors.

Potted Areca Palm


Proper watering is top-priority. Soil should be well-draining. Waterlogged roots are a non-starter!

  • Overwatering can lead to root rot.
  • Underwatering can cause palm stress. Leading to other disease risks. 
  • Buggy attacks can happen when palms are stressed from too little or too much!

It's all about balance. Plus knowing the particular needs of that palm species.

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Not Too Little, Not Too Much - But Just Right!


Palms don't need fertilizer while germinating.

How do palm trees grow without being fertilized? While they're seedlings, all their nutrition is fed them via the endosperm, as we've seen. Lasting about 2-3 months after the sprout is visible above ground.

Then, depending on species & circumstances, palm trees may require fertilization to help them grow & thrive. Consider a controlled-release fertilization plan.

Best to use a specialized fertilizer for palms. Palm trees have more unique nutrient requirements.

Bags of fertilizer for Palm Trees in a Palm GroveFertilizer Delivery - Stocking Up for all the Palm Trees in this Palm Grove

Takeaways on How Do Palm Trees Grow

Do you Have a Palm Tree growing? Give it proper care and attention. Your young palm tree can grow into a beautiful and majestic addition to your landscape.

Overall, palm trees are fascinating plants. They've adapted to thrive in a variety of tropical & subtropical environments. Some species are even cold & drought hardy. 

Fitting care & maintenance can help prolong the life of a palm tree. Keeping it healthy throughout all the growth stages.

Hope that helped answer your concerns about how do palm trees grow! Don't hesitate to Ask Questions For Help, if something still puzzles you!

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