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Landscaping With Palm Trees

Ideas & Helpful Planning!

Have the best landscaping with palm trees: ideas for a wonderful property layout.

Don't be the person who ends up disappointed over their palm tree landscaping layout! Be the person who researches well for best landscaping tips.

We're with you on that! Always having our eyes open for wonderful designs. Here's a TOC:

At Mission: Palm Trees

Palm lovers can calm their palm-related search tasks & worries. Our articles are intended to inform, while having fun, easily Finding What You Want or Need. Without unneeded shoptalk & tiring endless research. We Research For You!

Principles of Landscape Design With Palm Trees

Before thinking of your own landscaping design with palm trees - ideas should align with basic palm needs. Along with your particular property.

First Rule for Palms in a Landscape Design

First know your Own USDA Hardiness Zone.

If you live in tropical zones around the world, you'll grow palms with little problem.

  • Tropical areas get their pick of palms.
  • While non-tropical areas will present you with distinctive challenges. But give you equally distinctive rewards!
  • Did you know that planting palms in temperate zones is doable?

Are you liking a palm that's not zoned for your USDA Hardiness Zone? Consider these factors:

  • Your Local landscape
  • Your Weather
  • Your Micro-climate.

As in Tucson Arizona, where conserving water is a worry. Natural yearly rainfall is about 10 inches. Not a lot! It's where we live, in subtropical Zone 9b. But here, we're also an arid zone. Limiting our choice of palm trees.

Figuring this out gives you an edge - With your ideas for landscaping with palm trees.

world map delineating the tropics, subtropics and temperate zonesEarth's Subtropics are Above & Below the Tropical Zone.
Temperate Zones Cover Many Areas - Microclimates Will Be Important!

Create Your Palm Landscape Design Analysis

To get a sense of your best palm tree landscaping plan, create A Mood Board.

Make your mood board with pics representing what you're foreseeing. Use pics of palm trees, swatches for color schemes, and example garden layouts. Using this type of tool helps plan your backyard transformation.

Creating a mood designer to evaluate palm landscaping

First thoughts & planning are so important. It's good to see you're thinking that way! 

Advance PlanningThink Ahead - Avoid Future Problems

Do you want a palm as a focal point for your outdoor space? Consider its total growth height, its potential, its impact: will it complement your home or overwhelm it?

  • Consider nearby structures: will it interfere with overhead power lines?
  • Consider the crown's size: will fronds spread out and clash with anything?

Walking around your garden with a measuring tape can help. Test the available height and width for your chosen spot. Evaluate your palm preferences.

But improbably, a palm might seem

  • Too large, yet enhance the intimacy of an appropriate space
  • Too small, yet influence your garden's tropical aesthetic.

Landscaping With Palm Trees
Ideas, Goals & Outcomes

We have ideas for you: suggestions for having a peachy palm landscape!

What Will Surround Your Palm?

Think of the area while planning your ideas for landscaping with palm trees. First be sure Surrounding Landscape Plantings and/or lawn turf aren't growing right up to your palm's trunk.

  • Because of palm injury prevention when caring for the lawn.
  • Because of avoiding the mismatch of palm vs. lawn fertilizer needs. 
  • Because of water competition for palm's roots vs. grasses, nearby flowering plants or bushes.
temple with palm trees and a flowerAre There Flower Beds Close By?
pathway lined with tall palm treesSee How Tall! Oh - the grass is competing!

Your Palm's Eventual Growth Pattern

You'll want to know the final height & width of the palm you're considering.

  • What a horror to see the palm you love begin hitting the side of your house!
  • Or getting too close to your driveway, sidewalk, a roadway, etc.
  • Or growing unexpectedly tall - you barely see the crown!

Transplanting is a pain - and sometimes not to a palm's liking. So ensure palms aren't placed beneath roof eaves or too near artificial/permanent shade covers.

When you assess ideas for landscaping with palm trees, prevention is much better.

We're sure you'll agree.

No Foresight for the palm trees coming onto the homeOh, oh! Looks like there wasn't much advanced thought here!

Look Up! Any Power Lines?

Remember, watch overhead power lines. You must avoid them!!

Like Landscapes With Foxtail Palms are breathtaking! But need serious placement evaluation.

Palm trees at a Galveston homeWhat Do You Think is Wrong Here?
What Do You Think is Good?

Two Palms Died - Maybe Near Flower Beds or Lawn?
Large Palms Suitable for Home Size.
Small Palms are Best Near Front Sidewalk. Why?
Few Palms Near Lanai Nicely Sized, Good for Shading. Are They Too Close?

Palm Tree Landscaping Ideas for Shade

Palm trees aren't noted for bringing shade.

Although some say tall palms create shade. A number of homeowners and landscapers believe that tall palm trees could effectively provide shade. Perhaps because they love their striking appearance. If true, all yards with tall palms would have lots of shade.

But how many have planted tall palms hoping for shade? Then finding they don't, once they've reached towering heights.

Just like tall flagpoles cast small shadows because the flag is high - tall palms may cast a small shadow, with their far distant canopies.

Yet certain palms could be used for your tropical shade garden. Those with Palmate Fronds can shade, as their fronds have larger surfaces.

  • Use small palm trees with wide fronds to give seating area shade.
  • Use palm species no more than 12-15ft/3.7-4.6m high to shade seating areas.
  • Group palms with varied heights for layered shading.
palmate frondsLarge palm fronds.

When choosing a palm for shading to help cool your house:

  • Plant it along your home's sunniest side, the south or west side.
  • Plant it so it doesn't diminish your home's style. Balance the palm's shape & height.
  • Plant it so the ultimate height will be several feet/meters higher than the roof's edge.
tropical pool outside housePalm Trees for These Single-Story Homes Are About the Right Level

Some people may like a Mutt & Jeff look, as in the photo below. Yet for palm esthetics, it's not considered good taste.

Buying a home you love may give you no choice anyway!

Palm trees out of balance for the homeThese Tall Palms Are Immensely Taller
Unbalanced With the Low-Roofed Home.

Grouping Palms is Always Eye-Catching

Group five Types of Palm Species for an impressive landscaping technique. Or try three of one species along with four of another.

The best appealing landscaping formula is grouping in odd numbers.

group of palm treesExample of a Pleasing Grouping of Palms in the Rear of a Beach Shelter
Odd Number - Somewhat Zigzagged Placement - Multi-sized

Landscaping With Palm Trees
Designs for Other Purposes

We know palm trees add to the tropical mystique in your landscaping.

Yet there are several practical purposes for which you can use them, as well. Thinking about those we have for you, it's likely you may think of even more!

wooden privacy fenceNeeding Some Type of Screening on Your Property? Is This the Best Idea?

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  1. Mission: Palm Trees Site Map - Index for All Content Listed

    Mission Palm Trees Logo Palms
    Mission: Palm Trees site map - We've updated again. Find what you need here. All pages listed by category headings. A complete site index listing.

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Palm Trees: Perfect as a Natural Screen

Disguise an Unsightly Area With Palms

Who enjoys looking at trash cans?

You can use small to medium sized Types of Palm Trees that are planted thickly enough to make effective concealment.

thickly leafed palm hiding  garbage cansScreening Off Garbage Cans With a Palm Tree

Palms: Naturally a Pristine Privacy Curtain

Use palm trees to create private spaces in your yard.

Plant them strategically to form a natural privacy barrier. In a strategic manner, alternate Palm Tree Species growing to varied heights. Making a pleasant interface from viewing neighbors or street traffic.

Sugar Cane Palms in a row looking gorgeousSugar Cane Palms Max Out at 30ft/9m.
Clustering Growth Making a Fabulous Screen

Noise Reduction with Palm Tree Barriers

Want to reduce noise pollution from busy roads or partying neighbors?

Some types of palms can act as natural sound blockers. Clustering palms in several heights are good for helping absorb and deflect sound. Use palms with dense leaf crowns.

Get species that are most effective for this purpose. Like alternating a few of the following:

  1. Arenga caudata is short (6ft/1.8m), & although pinnate, it's thickly leaved & clustering. Warmer Mediterranean climates okay with good watering.
Close-up of fronds of Arenga caudata Arenga caudata is called the Miniature Sugar Palm - best in Zones 10-11.
  1. Rhapis humilis, a clustering palmate, grows to 25ft/7.5m in Zones 8-11.
Tall Lady PalmRhapis humilis is AKA Slender Lady Palm
  1. Bactris major gets up to 40ft/12m tall & clusters densely, if spiny. Zones 10-11 work. Known as the Prickly Palm.
Bactris major clustering palmBactris major is also known as Lata Palm or Cubarro.

Takeaways for Landscaping With Palm Tree Ideas


Even more to think about when landscaping with palm trees! Like fabulous ideas for landscaping Around a Palm Tree. What other plants to include? Maybe assorted tropicals, cycads or yuccas.

Did you find the best ideas for helping with your palm tree designs, your landscape vision, your ideal tropical aura?

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