Palm tree fruit is an absolute for continuation of these tropical palm plants. Why?
Have you looked up at a palm tree, wondering about those small, puzzling clusters of solid balls hanging from its branches? Those are the palm's fruits!
They hold the key to the palm tree's survival.
Yes each palm tree flower is almost always tiny & understated. If you did notice them above, you may wonder - those things hanging there, are they flowers??
Yes they are! Growing on a stalk called an inflorescence. Those branches contain the flowers. Even though the flowers are small, the large inflorescence won't be missed.
The flowers' purpose is producing the seed-bearing fruit.
On some palms, when fruit develops, you'd probably notice them. They've got a more showy display. Its bunching branches are then called the infructescence.
Like other flowering plants, palm trees need a little romance to create the next generation.
Their flowers are usually small and inconspicuous. Their love life uses surrogates of nature! Palms depend on wind, bees, or other insects for pollination.
Once pollinated, these flowers begin developing into palm tree fruit.
Think you haven't noticed a palm fruit? We think you have!
There's a little town in Arizona dedicated to growing date palms. For their fruit production. We've stopped in there a time or two.
At Mission: Palm Trees
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Those two palm fruit types, the coconut & date, are probably the most well-known. There are many more among over 2400 species of palms that grow around the world.
Yes, all those Palms Grow Fruit, eventually. Some are edible palm fruit, but most are not. At least for people!
Palm fruits come in many shapes, sizes, and textures.
Those other palm fruit types resemble berries, tiny, with a thinner skin.
No matter their form, all palm fruits share the same purpose. To first protect, and then encourage ripened seed dispersal.
While we humans have claimed coconuts and dates as scrumptious treasures, many palm tree fruits are an animal food source.
Most palm tree fruits have no human food usage. They taste terrible to us.
But birds, squirrels, and other wildlife need palm fruit, essential to their diet. They spread the seeds in droppings, which provides continuing generations of palm tree lives.
Some palms do have edible fruit that's very useful for people.
Whether in a Dioecious or Monoecious Palm, an infructescence holds the fruit until it ripens. For eating as is, making into jams or jellies, or incorporating into other tasty dishes.
Other palm tree fruit can be edible in certain circumstances.
We're starting a round of applause to the rockstars of the palm fruit world: the coconut and the date!
COCONUT PALM TREE (Cocos nucifera)
Inside a coconut lies a bonanza of tastiness and hydration. This wondrous palm tree fruit provides nourishing water, yummy meat, and multipurpose oil.
This fruit is used in delish dishes & drinks.
No wonder it's a staple product worldwide.
The Coconut Palm is widely cultivated as the most prominent palm for economies around the world.
Phoenix dactylifera is commonly called the Edible Date Palm.
Native to Northern Africa & the Middle East, where they still grow. Cultivated in many dry climates for over 5000 years.
The palm prefers environments around desert oases, or alongside rivers. It's drought tolerant, but does need a nearby groundwater source.
As a valued palm fruit for food, arid areas throughout the world grow them. California & Arizona in the US grow varieties developed for commercial use.
They're delicious: sweet & chewy. The caramel-like flavor is useful in desserts. Also used as a natural sweetener.
There are many types of palm tree fruit. In fact, every palm produces fruit for continued life of the species. By putting out flowers, many of which will be pollinated. That will get fruit growing.
Some fruits are edible by humans. Many more are useful for animals.
What types of palm tree fruits have you had the opportunity to try? Anything you really enjoyed. Or said "yuck!" Let us know, show us on our Facebook Page.