Wondering about the worlds tallest palm trees?
Some of them are in Tucson Arizona, where we live. These palm trees go sky-high! Wonderful looking palm trees throughout the world grow to huge heights. We'll take you to them.
Including THE world's tallest palm tree of all!
WHY KNOWING Tall Palms is Good>
Cali Palms Interest Me> WHICH GROW THERE?
BASIC START FOR a Tall Palm Tree>
Tall vs. Massive> - HOW DO I TELL?
WHICH ONE IS THE World's Tallest Palm Tree?
At Mission: Palm Trees
Palm lovers can calm their palm-related search tasks & worries. Our articles are intended to inform, while having fun, easily Finding What You Want or Need. Without unneeded shoptalk & tiring endless research. We Research For You!
People who love palm trees like to know which palms they are looking at.
Being able to Identify the Palm Tree.
That's only one reason why somebody wants to know about the tallest palm trees in the world. There are several other reasons:
Think you'll want to Buy a Tall Palm Tree? Even if not one of the worlds tallest palm trees! First think of how you'll use it.
Are you doing research?
To evaluate the tallest palm palm trees in specific areas.
We'll be taking you through Multiple Categories of the Worlds Tallest Palm Trees. Getting into truisms and checking varied species.
When thinking of tall palm trees, exactly how tall are we speaking?
A fully grown, mature, tall palm tree will be at least 60ft/18/29m high. That's where to begin, when thinking of the worlds tallest palm trees.
If you're thinking of buying a tall palm tree, look to your local nurseries. Their stock will depend on where you live. In particular, Your Hardiness Zone.
Places Where Palm Trees are Endemic are mostly in the tropics & subtropics. If you live in a temperate area you're not out of luck! There are still some Types of Palms that can do well where you are, including tall varieties.
Not planning to buy?
We'll help you see some of the world's tallest palm trees. Including the one that is THE Worlds Tallest Palm Tree of all!!
Ceroxylon quindiuense is amazing as The World's Tallest Palm Tree.
It's been known to get as high as 200ft/61m.
But not only that!
In its native Columbia, it grows between 6000-10,000ft (1829-3048m) up into the Andes Mountains. Meaning they've got the survival record for palms growing in the highest world elevations.
Borassus aethiopum originated in African tropical grasslands. Palmate leaves are deep green, about 6ft/2m long.
Cocos nucifera has been around forever.
They're not even sure of its origins. Except maybe the South Pacific. But everyone knows it as That Tropical Symbol. Horticulturists have created many varieties.
The Coconut Palm can grow to 100ft/31m tall.
Jubaea chilensis has more flexible growing zones.
Easily in Zones 9-11. A handsome, hardy choice among the world's tallest palm trees. They're even growing in Belgium.
Also in their native Chile, as well as among the Tall Palm Trees in California. Mature Chilean Wine Palm specimens slowly reach 100ft/31m.
Phoenix canariensis is a regal beauty with some hardiness.
You can say that among the world's tallest palm trees, some are Super Tall. But then there are some that are massive. See some of the Massive!
Archontophoenix alexandrae is also known as King Palm. Although 50ft/15m when fully grown, its crown is substantial. Fronds are 10ft/3m, with leaflets 3ft/90cm long.
Arenga pinnata has a defined life span. Flower stalks (inflorescence) sprout high up at maturity into the 70ft/21m tall crown. Each thereafter lower down, until the final one.
When that's done, the palm dies!
Bismarckia nobilis has a lovely look with upright palmate fronds. Although reaching 60ft/18m tall when fully grown, its crown is massively huge!
Borassus aethiopum has multiple common names: African Palmyra Palm, Ron Palm & Toddy Palm. As you've guessed, native to African tropics.
Attalea butyracea, aka Rooster-tail Palm & Yagua Palm. Alternate scientific name has it Called Scheelea butyracea.
Iriartea deltoidea gets nearly 100ft/30m tall, but with a narrow trunk.
When people see photographs of California, and especially SoCal's Los Angeles - palm trees are all around. One Tall Palm Tree in California is traditionally associated with the state, because it's native.
Many more have been imported, and cultivated to grow there. Usually quite easily, because the climate suits them well!
Washingtonia filifera is the tall palm tree associated with California.
Also called the Desert Fan Palm, it's the only palm native to the state.
Kentiopsis oliviformis grows in Southern California. Particularly coastal counties.
Common names for Sabal mauritiiformis. Widely seen in Belize. Original to Mexico, Central America, N.South America & Trinidad. With a gorgeous, extensive crown.
Planted around San Diego County. There's a good tall one at the San Diego Zoo!
Livistona decora is an Aussie native. Before 2004 the species epithet was decipiens.
Grows in Southern California, too! Zones 9-11.
There are many very tall palms throughout the world.
Think carefully before planting one in your own garden or yard, it may be overwhelming. They're especially suitable for widespread landscaping throughout a city or town.
Still they are fascinating. Be careful when looking up at their crowns. Don't wrench your neck!