You're thinking if there's a way to grow palm trees from seed.
Patience, care, and investigation into the palm species you'll grow are needed. Because palms aren't like trees. You can't use frond branches as cuttings to propagate a new palm tree.
Growing a new palm tree nearly only comes from planting palm tree seeds.
Whether you're totally inexperienced or have some knowledge, we'll help you with a step by step guide to successfully sprout palms from seed:
Your Step-by-Step Guide to Growing Palm Tree Seeds
At Mission: Palm Trees
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First things first: where can you get the seed of a palm tree?
You'll want to plant the right palm in the right place. So be sure your chosen palm seeds will work:
If you're already growing palms, you have your own automatic palm seed pod source.
Or maybe you'd like this to be a sideline Entrepreneurial Venture, to sell palm sprouts grown with seeds. Whether it's coveted rare palm tree seeds, or more palm common species.
We'd advise using an authentic palm seed supplier with fresh, high quality seeds, when planning to grow palm trees from seed.
Palm seeds come in many sizes.
From about 1/4in/0.6cm to the largest seed among all flowering plants, the Double Coconut.
First, Palm Trees Grow inflorescences. That's the palm stem where flowers bloom.
Successful growth from planting palm tree seeds doesn't often get overwhelming results. Although we know of those who've gotten about 90% palm tree seedling success! Most see as little as 20%.
How long does it take for palm tree seeds to germinate? For good results when you grow palm trees from seed, your proper steps & patience are important.
Germinating palm seeds grow best in two different ways.
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Many palm seeds Need a Deep Pot so their first root has plenty of room to grow.
Most have remote palm seed germination. Which means the roots grow downward. (See more in Our FAQ.) Therefore it's important to use deep pots.
Like for the Mediterranean Fan Palm (Chamaerops humilis)!
Part of the new leaf stem comes out of the seed, making a "button."
The stem & palm root growth begin from this button. Soon roots spread outward. They're called adventitious roots.
YOUR QUESTION: Which seeds of palm trees need planting in a deep plant starter pot for best results?
Seeds From Palms with Adjacent Germination
Seeds on Palm Trees with Remote Germination
Remote Germinators, to give enough downward room for the root growth.
These types of palm tree seeds are examples: From the Mexican Fan (Washingtonia robusta), Chinese Fan (Livistona chinensis), Bismarck (Bismarckia nobilis) & Palmyra (Borassus flabellifer). All needing remote germination.
For great results, know the best procedures.
What are the best conditions for germinating palm tree seeds?
Species each have their exact temperatures for planting seeds. But in general, plant palm seeds in warmer months.
For most palms, the freshest, ripe seeds have the most successful outcome.
THE FIRST STEP to growing is starting with ripe seed pods on palm trees.
How do you prepare palm tree seeds before planting?
Get your palm seeds ready by the Soaking of Palm Seeds.
This water soak is the best pretreatment for germination in most all palm species.
Most choose the first choice, but you can try the second:
BY HAND - Manually clean the seed. Fairly time-consuming if you're planting many palm seeds.
BY MACHINE - Many commercial growers have a Seed Cleaning Machine. If you ask, they may be willing to clean your palm seeds. Likely for a price.
Commercial Seed Cleaning
What more do I need to prepare palm seeds for planting?
What are common problems when germinating palm seeds, and how do I fix them?
Palm seeds often have a tough outer layer. Making it hard for water to get in. Which can slow down sprouting.
Some seeds have a hard shell.
Make your palm seeds ready to grow using this method: Scarification. Scratching the shell a little allows in moisture.
Getting seeds ready by using temperature is called Stratification.
You can Heat Seeds to help them sprout faster.
Putting Seeds in a Cooler place sometimes works, for certain palm species. Especially in places with milder weather for growing cold-hardy palms.
We've sourced Expert Tips For You, when sowing your palm tree seeds.
It's the exciting part, where your soon-to-be palm tree seedlings come to life. Here's the step by step process...
Decide whether to use pots or flats with essential drainage holes.
Usually pots are preferred, because the depth allows for better root growth. That deepness eventually makes easier transplanting.
Some choose Seedling Tubes. Or you can create your own version using PVC Piping. Which you could Cut to Needed Lengths, about 12in/30.5mm.
If by chance you're planting palm seeds in a Flat Type of Container, you'll want to space out the seeds so roots don't entangle with each other.
What is the best soil mix for growing palm trees from seed?
Base your planting soil (substrate) decision on the fact that seeds & seedlings need consistent moisture, without sogginess. The substrate shouldn't fully dry out. But yet don't overwater.
Prepare Your Own Good Palm Seed Starter Mix:
One suggestion is using a mix of 2:1 ratio of Organic Peat Moss to Organic Perlite.
Pour the this mix into a pot, leaving some space at the top.
OR rather than all peat moss, divide that in half for including Cocopeat. Or try Coconut Coir (we've used This Brand with good results). Especially good when you grow palm trees from seed in warmest climes. Being mindful of preventing soil from drying out.
It would then be a 1:1:1 ratio. Being equal portions of Peat Moss, mixed with Coconut Coir, and then adding in Organic Vermiculite.
Palms seeds aren't planted too deeply.
Follow these general rules of thumb (or green thumb in this case š). The best way is to gently plug the palm seed into the potting mixture.
Once your seeds are snug in their pots, it's time for thorough, yet gentle watering.
Most palm seeds need higher temps for germination. Best between Fahrenheit of 86o-95o/30-35c). Better to sow palm seed in warmer months.
To help keep temperatures in the best range, cover the seed container with clear plastic. Or use bottom heating by using a Seedling Heat Pad, but out of direct sunlight. This helps create a greenhouse effect, maintaining the warmth and humidity necessary for germination.
Remember as soon as sprouting young plants appear, remove the plastic or heating pad.
What are the best conditions for germinating palm tree seeds?
Warmth is probably the most important of all. Each species has its own best temperature for germination.
Other important conditions are consistent soil moisture, without being marshy. Also palm seeds need good humidity & regular light.
How do I germinate palm tree seeds quickly?
Because you wonder how long does it take for palm seeds to germinate? Following the steps we've given will have quickest results for growing palms from seed.
But remember, palms don't quickly germinate. Most sprout in about 1-6 months. But some even take up to six months for germination.
These conditions can slow or damage sprouting.
Which palm tree species are easiest to grow from seed?
Sabal palmetto palm seeds are the answer for those in 8-11 USDA growing climates. Warmest microclimates of 7b, too. By following the steps here results take about 1 month.
What are the best palm tree seeds for beginners?
Queen palm seeds sprout pretty easily in Growing zones 9-11. Phoenix rupicola (Cliff Date) & P.roebelinii in 9b-11.
Can I grow a Coconut Tree from seed?
Yes, it's possible! If your growing zone is 10b-11.
But remember it's a very tall palm. Wise Landscape Planning should be included.
Swish a coconut around & listen for the sloshing milk inside. That means the Coconut Seed is alive & active. The inner seedling may already be starting up! Removing the husk is not even needed. Just Plant It Properly.
Gardening patience is what you need now.
Many palms are slow with their seed germination. It can take several weeks or even months!
During this time your primary task is maintaining the pot's environment. Ensure the mix remains moist, and the temperature stays warm.
What care is needed after palm tree seeds begin to sprout? When your baby palm tree seed pops from the soil, remove any plastic covering.
Do you see roots coming from drainage holes?
The pot has become too small for the sprouted palm. It's time to transplant to a larger pot or directly outdoors.
Most important is the planting depth of your seedling.
Post transplantation, keep the freshly planted palm well-watered every other day for 6-8 months. While the palm establishes itself.
There you have it, a step-by-step simple guide on how to grow palm trees from seed.
It might be riddled with ups & downs, or slow progress when beginning to grow palm trees from seed. But you'll take pride in witnessing life unfurl from the seed you planted and nurtured.
It was hard, but careful work!