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Palm Fronds Meaning

Palm fronds meaning often relates victory in battle or other match-up, like negotiations. Many through the centuries used palm fronds to mean strength.

We like that, as a peaceful showing of strength.

Throughout history it's had different meanings, depending on current day vs ancient history. So they've been used in many ways, depending on where the palm fronds meaning is coming from.

Many of today's governments still carry on that symbolic tradition.

Another symbolic use is to represent Peace. A dove is often shown holding a palm frond, both in the meaning of peace. Governments in the world often incorporate palm fronds meaning for this application, too.

But is that a promise met? Hmmm.

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Palm Fronds Meaning in Antiquity

Palm fronds meaning has historically been a symbol of triumphant victory. And strength. Particularly with the early Egyptians, Greeks and Romans.

They included palms in many of their coins, artwork, architecture and rhetoric.

For instance the Romans often honored an emperor with his image on a coin. He could be seen with palms incorporated into a headpiece, or on a shield. When this was done, palm fronds meaning was for his victories. It was usually for battle accomplishments. But could also relate to organizing alliances, or when negotiating with his staff.

Or as with the coin just below, the reverse side may show the image of a Roman god. Who is often holding a palm frond.

Ancient Roman CoinCoin Reveres Contantinus I - Reverse Side: Ancient God carries a palm frond in the left hand.

Classical Egyptian Architecture Revered Palms

Egyptian architecture incorporated the Strength Meaning for Palms.

Consider the 2458–2446 B.C. Pyramid Temple of the Pharaoh Sahure ruins. The palm column might represent a palm's trunk. As it's a pole-like structure. Date palms are inscribed as if tied to the pole's top. All in imitation of a palm tree.

Originally it had eleven columns. All holding up a granite awning around the sides of a courtyard. That led to the temple's entrance.

Ruins of the ancient Egyptian temple, with palm columns.Palm Columns in Egyptian Temple Ruins
Circa 2458–2446 B.C. in Abusir.

Among ancient Greek artifacts during the Byzantian Empire, are spoon palm fronds.

This spoon has carved palm leaves on its silver bowl section. Possibly meaning the sustenance palms have given throughout the Mediterranean areas.

Palm tree spoon from the ancient Byzantine EmpireCommonly Used Throughout the Byzantine Empire. Spoon with Palm Fronds From the 5th–6th century.

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Palms in Post-Civil War in the U.S. 

After the Civil War Augustus Saint-Gaudens created a sculpture to honor General Sherman.

Now located in the Grand Army Plaza, Manhattan NY. Sherman is on horseback beside "Victory."

Her pose demonstrates the Guiding Force she provided to victory.  She holds a palm frond, for the meaning of victory. But we know a palm frond's meaning also represents strength. And going forward, a hope for peace.

According to The Met, "The principal model for Victory was Hettie Anderson..." She was an African American woman, an 1890s locally renowned favorite to sit as a model.

Small copy of Victory, which is seen adjacent to the full size original in ManhattanThe Met's Copy of Victory, With Palm Frond
Original Sherman monument with Victory alongside in a Manhattan NY park.Sherman Tribute in Grand Army Plaza

Practical Palm Frond Usage in Ancient Times

In those former days, palm fronds meanings also held a practical sense.

Before China's invention of paper, Parts of Palm Fronds were used for writing & artwork. In those times People Often Used Papyrus, which comes from the Cyperus papyrus plant. A type of sedge.

It wasn't until the 700s A.D. Making papyrus was a big process. With multiple steps. The average person didn't make papyrus.

Most people were essentially illiterate in those days. Only those men of the middle class of the times, could possibly read.

There were three forms of reading and writing: Hieroglyphics, Hieratic writing, and Demotic. Familiarity with using these writing forms was limited. Priests, scholars, scribes, accountants had that knowledge.

Most people weren't in those types of jobs.

Hieroglypic Letter on Papyrus by Heqanakht of Ancient EgyptHieroglyphics Written by Heqanakht
A "ka-servant" of a High Official
Letter in hieratic_script written on papyrusLetter in Hieratic Script on Papyrus

More ambitious average citizens, might carve out time for artwork or practicing writing their name.

That's when the easiest writing surface would be a palm frond. Dried out and smoked, fronds could take the activity of writing or painting.

You could say palm fronds meaning for the general citizenry of ancient times was the possibility of advancing your knowledge and creating art.

Using palms in paper making is now occurring. The rachis of Date Palm fronds are sourced for cellulose fibers. Then processed to be incorporated in softwood tree fibers to improve paper. Bagasse fibers from sugar cane is also added, making paper more Eco-friendly.

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