Fertilizer for palm trees provides essential nutrients to keep your palm plants looking luxuriant and robust. When your palm is well-fed, you'll breathe a sigh of happy contentment & relief!
A major secret is using the right kind of fertilizer. This applies whether you've just purchased a new palm, or want to understand if something seems wrong with your growing palm. The why & how for the best results are very important.
We're suggesting some important tips for you to click in the menu here! To ease your worries.
For a healthy palm tree, the right fertilizer blend is the point. When we drive around our city, Tucson Arizona, we spot many, many palm trees. But some make a quite sad appearance. Possibly from lacking nutritional needs.
We hate when that happens, so we'd like to help all understand why fertilizer for palm trees is vital.
Have you been putting of thinking off palm fertilizer?
Thinking if this is really needed Palm Tree Care? We've done that, procrastinating the issue. Until our plants were showing some distress. So we had to figure out the urgency of giving the best type of fertilizer for palm trees!
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A few conditions come into play, related to the ground palms are planted in.
Palms use 16 essential elements which support their growth. Sunlight & surrounding air deliver some. But even those need access to other Palm's Necessary Nutrients to complete their job.
Potassium deficiency is probably the most common palm nutrient shortage. Some deficiencies can even be fatal!!
What is proper fertilization for palm trees?
Good fertilizer should contain appropriate quantities of Macronutrients, plus Micronutrients (trace elements).
Did you know that Indoor Palm Trees won't require the same fertilizing plan as outdoor palms? We've given you a separate section below for Details on Fertilizing Indoor Palms.
We discovered most research on the best palm fertilizer has been in Florida & Atlantic coast landscapes. Where sandy soil is the norm. But we're in Arizona, and many others with palms are wondering about our area!
Begin with (as mentioned above) knowing your type of soil & its pH. They greatly affect nutrient absorption. Best is acidic soil, between 6.5 & 7.0. We always recommend Soil pH testing to determine best choices in Your Landscape. The most accurate way is by contacting your local university extension.
Look at the fertilizer label to figure if it's good for palms. You'll find a weight ratio of three essentials: nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) & potassium (K) - NPK. Plus details for added micronutrient & macronutrient quantities.
Keep an eye on fertilizer phosphorus content when looking for fertilizer for palm trees.
Studies show organic palm fertilizers are a superior choice.
We can recommend Espoma Organic Palm-Tone 4-1-5. It has the best nutrient proportions. The main drawback is the barnyard-type smell. But it fades after a few days. That's what organics do!!
When thinking of chemical fertilizers with harmful effects, you might cringe:
Consider organic alternatives instead. Some additives could be appropriate for your soil type. Blood meal only adds lots of nitrogen. Fish Blends may help. Worm Castings add a tiny bit of Nitrogen, the advantage is the good bacteria & enzymes. Organic castor bean cake apparently has every required macronutrient.
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Palm fertilizers are available with varied techniques for application. That is...
GRANULAR FERTILIZERS - A Slow-Release Formula is the Best Palm Tree Fertilizer. It's efficient, since it's continuously delivered over time.
LIQUID FERTILIZERS - Concentrated Formulas for mixing with water, by following label directions.
FERTILIZER SPIKES - Another inefficient method.
Coordinate with fertilizer packaging instructions, with these best methods:
Fertilizer For Palm Trees should be given during growing season. Typically spring through very early autumn. But particular to your own climate conditions.
Indoor palm trees also need fertilizing during their growing season. Though their need is for less. Light affects amounts of Fertilizer Palms Need. The less light (typical of indoor palms) the less fertilizer requirement. The ideal nutrient combination is N-3 P-1 K-2.
SLOW-RELEASE FERTILIZER GRANULES scattered on soil surface is only needed once a year, in the springtime. If transplanting to a larger pot, stir the granules into your good potting mix. But remember quick-release fertilizers may cause root burn - so not too much at once.
FOR LIQUID FERTILIZERS, prepare by doubling water proportion added to the concentrate. During growing season, give it no more than monthly!
Safety priorities are important when using fertilizers for palm trees.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Is your palm plant surrounded by a grassy lawn? The best fertilizer for lawn health isn't what you want for palms. Problem is grass fertilizer's nitrogen proportion is way too high. Best keep that turf fertilizer away from under the palm's crown.
Every palm species is unique & could have different fertilizing appetites. Knowing your particular Palm Tree Species is helpful. Palms are planted in varied soils, get different sunlight, & live in quite variable climates. So, reading fertilizer labels is important.
VERY IMPORTANT FACT - The most common mistake with fertilizing is giving too much. Over-fertilizing is typically more harmful than under-fertilizing.
We've given some overall principals. But it's always best to get with your palm regularly. See how it looks to figure out if your fertilizing plan should be adjusted.
The right proportion for your palm tree fertilizer plan is pretty simple. You want to get it right to make your palm (and yourself!) happy. Organic Palm Fertilizers are a good choice.
Fertilizing your palm trees correctly provides their needed nutrients. So they'll enjoy an inviting environment for good growth.
So, are you now confident in giving your palm trees the nutrients they need? If you're still somewhat unsure, You Can Always Contact Us. With your palm's details, we can try to help!