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Palm Tree Care for Brown Leaves

What palm tree care for brown leaves is needed? Are your palm tree leaves turning brown? Do you see brown spots on palms on your property? If so, you're not alone. Palm fronds turning brown are a common issue for many home gardeners. Proper care for causes of brown leaves depends on several things.

We'll get you expert advice and practical solutions. We absolutely understand the frustration with trying to figure out what's wrong with your palm tree leaves.

We've been there, done that! So we'll help you identify & treat the most common things causing palm tree brown fronds. We'll be going over...

Natural Remedies? About Them>

Prevention Tips: Avoiding Brown Fronds>

Best for You to Hire Tree Doctors?

Causes of Brown Palm Tree Leaves

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tropical hut with surrounding plants including a palm with browning leaf problem

What makes palm tree fronds turn brown? Knowing the root cause is important. Common causes of palm tree brown leaves are:

Do Palm Leaves Normally Turn Brown & Die?

The lowest fronds are the oldest.

Eventually they enter old age, with Leaf Senescence. Oldest leaves quickly turn brown. The sheaf soon loses strength & the frond falls. Some species hang onto their fronds for years. Some never lose their dead fronds - like Washingtonia filifera.

But Self-Cleaning Palms always ditch them. So this process is normal.

Two Washingtonia palms that retain their fronds for a long time. Looking like a dead frond skirt! This is normal for them.Washingtonia filifera Palms Keep a "Skirt" of Dead Fronds
Seen Here at Leaning Pine Arboretum in San Luis Obispo
Vegetation at Mossman Gorge Visitor Center includes palms with crownshafts.A Crownshaft Adds to the Beauty of a Palm
Plus the Other Advantage: Its Housekeeping!
Palms seen above lush tropical rain forest in HawaiiPalms in Hawaiian Tropical Rainforest
Other Palms are Capable of Managing Dead Fronds

Nutritional Deficiencies Can Cause Leaf  Browning

Palms need nutrients for healthy growth. If lacking Certain Essential Nutrients, brown palm leaves can happen!

Brown Fronds From Insect Infestation

Some insects harm palm plants.

Which may lead to unsightly brown spots or brown leaf tips. Possibly causing damage to your beautiful palm. Regularly monitoring for signs of pests is the best way to prevent infestation.

Here is More Info on This Pest>.

Date Palm Hopper Dubas Bug Feeds On Sooty MouldDate Palm Hopper, the Dubas Bug (Ommatissus lybicus) Feeds On Sooty Mould
Photo: Roy Bateman - CC BY-SA 4.0

Environmental Causes for Palm Brown Leaves

Extreme weather conditions can weaken palm trees.

Like excessive heat or drought. Excess watering can do the same. Cold snaps makes fronds susceptible to leaf browning, too.

Fan palm covered in winter frostFrosted Up Palm - Will This Weather Cause Browning in These Palms? Maybe!

Fungus Can Make Palm Leaves Brown 

Fungi love warm, humid environments.

Most palms are Native to Such Climates. New growth palm plants are susceptible. Not enough water, or excessive soil moisture, without great drainage and/or poorly aerated soil create conditions for fungal growth.

Overall Contributions to Palms Brown Fronds

It's important to identify causes of brown palm leaves.

This also applies to Indoor Palm Trees. Including a Parlor Palm's Brown Tips.  Monitoring your palms is the best way to get on top of things quickly. To maintain overall health for the ongoing beauty of your palm trees.

Identifying Problems of Brown Spots on Palms

Identifying the specific leaf issue affecting your species of palm trees gets you effective treatment. Many problems begin with the key sign of brown leaves or tips.

Let's begin your palm tree care by looking at visible changes.

Prevent Palm Disease Causing Brown Fronds

Wilting & Brown Fronds:

Have your palm tree leaves turned brown, or developed unsightly brown spots? Might be a sign of fungal diseases.

Best to prevent Fusarium Wilt:

  • Healthy plants should have the right amount of water & an airy environment.
  • Eliminate diseased fronds quickly for the best way to prevent spread.
  • Try a Fungicide, but ensure it works for that species of palm trees.

Ganoderma Butt Rot is found in North America, in the U.S. southwest & also southeast Asia.

  • First thing, it shows early death of old fronds. With brown leaf tips & wilting palm fronds.
  • A trunk Conk (mushroom-like growth) appears.
  • Sadly, nothing can be done to help. Totally destroy the palm to prevent spread.
Serious fungal problem showing on this palm trunk. If a conk appears, there's little to no hope for the palm.Ganoderma zonatum Conk on Trunk Means Fatality.
More Important to Prevent the Spread Rather Than Treating

Photo: Bob Peterson @Flickr -_Attribution 4.0 International

Brown Spots & Blights Cause Leaf Browning

Brown spots on palm leaves are often caused by fungus infections.

Check for Diamond Scale or Palm Leaf Spot. Small spots are the beginning, varying in shape. With a telltale darkly colored ring. If they enlarge so much they merge, they're termed "blight."

Leaf Spot Evidence on Kentia Palm

Early Drop of Palm Fruits

Premature Nut Drop means palms shed fruit before they're ripe.

Might mean the start of lethal yellowing. Watch for more symptoms, like yellowing fronds turning brown. Eventually sagging onto the trunk.

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Nutritional Causes of Browning Palm Leaves 

Macronutrients are Lacking.

Affecting lowest palm leaves first. Because newer fronds "hog" what's available.

  • Most common is inadequate potassium soil levels.
  • Rarely phosphorus deficiency.
Potassium Deficiency on a Fishtail PalmPotassium Deficiency on a Fishtail Palm

More for Palms Lacking Micronutrients

Sometimes new frond growth is harmed first. Many start with yellowing symptoms, then later turn brown.

  • Sulfur is easily diminished in soils. May be difficult to diagnose.
  • Manganese deficiencies most often related to pH problems. Because of alkaline soils.
  • Lack of copper is uncommon. Suspect if new leaves are stunted & brown.

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Palm Tree Care - Brown Leaf Treatments

If your palm fronds are already turning brown, attend to it ASAP. Effective treatment for palm tree brown fronds may vary depending on the disorder. Along with how severe it is now.



Are you figuring it's a fungal infection? Palm tree care for brown leaves might be a Suitable Fungicide. Try to choose one with a formulation appropriate for palms. Consult your local Extension Service for advice. Carefully follow the label instructions to use it correctly.

Improve Drainage:

Did you determine your palm tree is suffering from fungal disease? Have you checked if poor drainage is the cause? During treatment, also take steps to improve the soil's drainage. For instance, Adding Organic Matter helps ensure water drains effectively.

Nutrient Supplementation:

Is nutritional deficiency the cause of your palm fronds turning brown?  Specific nutrient deficits are best Identified Through Soil Testing. Your local Extension Service can help.

  • Fertilizer is the answer. But use caution for choices.
  • You'll want to address the specific deficiency. To avoid over-fertilizing with an unneeded nutrient. Especially phosphorus, which is rarely the issue.
  • Palm-Specific Fertilizer is recommended.

Environmental Stress:

Are ecological stresses contributing to leaf browning? Take measures to relieve the stress factors. First think, is yours the right palm planted in the right place?

  • Protect Your Palm Tree from frost with appropriate coverings. 
  • Is there drought? Give supplemental irrigation during droughts.
Palm tree suffering opposite effects, one with overwatering, one with heat related droughtDid Your Palm Go Through Freezing Weather or Hot Drought?
  • Is it getting enough sun? Is yours in the Best Growing Zone for that species? Does your palm have the Correct Watering Schedule?

Pruning & Sanitation:

Remove & destroy any browned (dead/diseased) fronds. Preventing diseases spread. Sterilize pruning tools after use to avoid cross-contamination.


Is your palm tree not showing signs of improvement after treatment. Or is the abnormality rapidly getting worse? Our best advice is to seek professional assistance. Best to have an arborist who's familiar with palms and their disturbances.

Natural Remedies
for Palm Tree Care of Brown Leaves

You can try using natural remedies to treat palm tree leaf disorders.

Remember these remedies may not be as potent as what we've shown you. Still, they may provide some relief. Especially if you caught the problem early. Be sure to read cautions and/or directions.


Neem Oil:

This Natural Insecticide/Fungicide can help control pests and fungal infections. Dilute it according to the manufacturer's instructions. You'll spray it on affected fronds.

Garlic Spray

Garlic contains natural antifungal properties.

  • Make garlic spray by blending garlic cloves with water. 
  • Strain this mixture. 
  • Spray it on affected fronds.

Copper Solutions:

Compounds like copper sulfate or copper hydroxide can help control fungal diseases. Use with caution as overdoing can increase browning instead!

  • Dilute the copper solution as per the manufacturer's instructions. Use caution.
  • Spray it on affected palm leaves.
  • Some Options To Investigate...

Milk Spray:

A mixture of milk & water can be a natural fungicide.

  • Mix one part milk with nine parts water.
  • Spray it on affected palm tree fronds.


These natural remedies may provide some relief. Yet they may not completely solve brown spots on palms issues. It's essential to monitor the effectiveness. Use caution & consider other treatment options if needed.

Preventing Brown Spots on Palms

Prevention is always better than cure when it comes to brown spots on palm leaves. Taking proactive measures minimizes the palm leaf browning risk. Some effective preventive strategies are:


Avoid overwatering or underwatering your palm. Adequate moisture is needed, but avoid having waterlogged soil. Watering deeply, with less frequency encourages solid root growth. Plus reduces fungal risk.


Proper drainage prevents waterlogged soil. We've seen how overwatering and/or poor drainage leads to root rot & other fungal diseases. Improve soil drainage by adding organic matter.


Palm trees need the correct fertilization. Which differs for Container Palms vs Landscape Palms & their location.

  • Use a slow-release palm fertilizer containing necessary nutrients in the right proportions. 
  • Soil testing to monitor soil nutrients allows for accurate fertilization.


Especially in humid climates, trim any plants overcrowding the palm's crown or trunk.

  • Don't allow surrounding plants to encroach on air circulation.
  • Reducing humidity levels helps lower fungal infection risk.


Regularly inspect your palms. Look for signs of pest infestations.

  • Use Integrated Pest Management to control pests effectively.
  • You don't want to harm beneficial insects. Or your environment.

Following preventive measures reduces the likelihood of your palm fronds turning brown.

Hiring a Professional
For Palm Tree Care of Brown Leaves

Are you still unsure about the specifics for your palm tree fronds turning brown? After looking over palm tree care for brown leaves. Then we advise seeking professional help.

We source our information from knowledgeable palm experts & our own education. But  certified arborists or horticulturists specializing in palm trees can most accurately diagnose the issue. Then recommend appropriate treatment. That's the safest action for palm tree care in leaf browning.

Hiring a professional can save you time, effort, and potentially costly mistakes. Your palm is an investment. You'll want to ensure the health & beauty of your palm trees.

Takeaways for Palm Tree Care
Brown Leaves

From fungal infections to nutrient deficiencies, several factors could cause your palm fronds turning brown.

  • We've walked through specific leaf issues causing browning.
  • We've shown effective treatment options. Including proactively using palm tree care for brown leaves.
  • And we've shown the need to hire experts.

We hope our tips gave you ideas to avoid browning or address palm tree care of brown leaves.

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