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Solo Build It Review

Home Business Ideas

SBI Has A Success Formula For the Gig Economy

Our Solo Build It Review introduces you to the fabulous method we've used to create our website. It's our story with this online business system!

We think it's the best out there to create your own side hustle!! Really great for women who want to work from home. Even as a part time job for females at home with children. And we'll tell you why...

Solo Build It - Also Known as SBI

(Formerly Called Site Build It)

Once called Site Build It - because it's a system to build a website. But is that all? Absolutely not!!

Even as a kid I was kind-of entrepreneurial! But never really went there, and instead had various careers.

Then our kids became adults. And home computers were invented. That's when I started to think seriously of having a business from home.

Satisfying the entrepreneur in me!

Although I'd done a few things - I was even the "Plant Lady" for awhile!! Having plant parties selling potted plants, with some planting advice.

The Plant Lady

Totally Efficient Side Hustle Business Package

I discovered SBI about 2002, while searching the internet for home businesses.

It seemed really good! Was it possible? You got so much for a very reasonable price. A total step-by-step package! My own initial review of Solo Build It was quite positive!

The SBI method had a step by step guide to create your website. Plus how to have a successful side hustle type business with it.

A Step by Step Guide Provided by the Best Online Business Coach
  • Start with an idea you love & you're passionate about
  • Make sure others love it enough to want to find your business site


  • You'll enjoy working on it
  • Leading to success...

Weave in those same interests of internet searchers. The subjects your website relates to. Where do the two intersect? Really?? I could find that out?

Creating a website about something I love! Plus helping me find others who will like the site I'll build, because they're loving this subject too!! SBI would "hold my hand" through it all, for making the best, most effective site ever.


That sounded like a plan!!


My problem though: I was focused on my career. I didn't allow the time for working on my site. I was distracted, and not focused on building the site. Making it successful by following the steps.

Really my fault. I didn't follow SBI's step by step plan. I knew I wouldn't be going forward well if I didn't do that. So I didn't renew next year. But I remembered the SBI potential.

I never forgot about reviewing a future possibility with SBI.

Career as a medical professional

Then through the years. My husband Bill was retiring. In a couple more years, I would be too.

In preparation, I searched online for SBI reviews. I found the SBI Website again. 


Solo Build It by Sitesell.com had been changed and updated since I formerly started with it. Except one thing: the price!

It was still such a bargain, I was amazed!

Now they included so much more for this same low price. Everything you could possibly need for step-by-step success.

Thumbs Going Up in Happiness for SBI


In December 2016 I started again. We began a new site, with our passion subject.

Centering our focus, as a couple business. This time we followed the steps of the plan!

We created a site about the town where we retired at that time: Tombstone Arizona.


What happened was wonderful progress! Since following the SBI plan, as we should. That site got listed on Google, Bing and Yahoo!! Surging visitors to our Tombstone Arizona website. More & more internet traffic & searchers!!

Every week more people subscribing to our newsletter - so thrilling!! It became a valuable commodity, even!

growth chart

Our life moved along. And it was valuable enough that we eventually decided to sell it. We did so, and even did that with SBI's help.

We love this type of home business. Using the gig economy to help us enjoy our retirement life.

So we began this SBI website here, that includes our other passions - the tropical outdoors alongside traveling, and specifically related information for Palm Trees.

Now our main site is missionpalmtrees.com

Mission: Palm Trees

When you use SBI as your website + Home Business Builder, it takes you through a process to follow:

The Solo Build It! Action Guide

Showing you how to make authentic content for your site, to bring in searchers who want to see what you have. Your site visitors get to know you're a genuine person. They'll be able to trust you're giving them good, valuable info.

That leads them to trust you in business.


Your SBI Action Guide takes you through 10 helpful Chapters - called "Days" - each with sub-part actions for you to accomplish. Leading you on the road to success. It's like an MBA in website home business success!

Each day is as long as you need it to be, at your own pace, to accomplish the plan. Added in is help, so much help! Even individualized, from those who already have successful websites. They can help you with every single task you're working on.

Still remember - this is NOT a get-rich-quick scheme. Any such thing? NO!!


It does take time, plus your consistent working at it.

Yet the plan is designed for your interests. You'll enjoy putting in that time and work! The more effort you put in, the faster you'll see results.

Essential success point: (important!) follow the Action Guide! That you'll receive. There's nothing else like it out there.

What About Free Website Builders!?

Check Boxes


Right? What about other website builders? Those advertised so often. Review them for varied opinions. They have some benefits, plus drawbacks.

Some are free, some are low-cost. Others even more costly.

Some are easy to use, some more difficult to use. Not user friendly!


I've used some of those types in the past.

In fact, when I was teaching Respiratory Therapy, I used free or very low-cost versions. Why? I didn't need people to find the site by search. I had inbuilt traffic: my students.

I posted assignments, etc. I wasn't worrying about people finding it on the internet. My students knew where it was.

The free website construction was somewhat easy to use. But SBI's is much easier, more functional, with tons of features fully included.

Normally for a side-gig website, you don't only want it to look pretty. You want to be sure you get traffic. That people can find you. If I'd want that to happen for Respiratory Students, it would have been more difficult with those free sites I'd used. And costly!

So how can you bring people to your website through searching? SBI shows you how it works. Keeping you up with the latest best methods, best practices.

empty shop


With those site builders, if I had wanted to be found by internet searchers, I'd have to purchase more individual packages. More add-ons or plug-ins to buy. Not such a fabulous value, after all!

Explanations for marketing and other assistance weren't clear, or even available. And more!

*** With free or low-cost, you build a website - Yes.

*** Beautiful looking? Probably!

But can you also build a successful business? If you build it, will they come? NO - likely they won't. Not for that initial no/little cost.

Using WordPress?

I've used WordPress. I'm not sure why it's popular??

Personally, I think it's quite tedious. Maybe it's because I've only used the free version? But with all these plug-ins and varied methods to do assorted things - I don't consider it user friendly at all.


Even so, would you love to have a WordPress site? Because you like WordPress? Plus add in ways to get traffic, along with a great business system and support? 

That's SBI for WordPress.

Or already using WordPress, and find it tedious (like me!). But don't want to ditch it for the work you've put in?

There's a solution: Transfer your WordPress to SBI! I've heard it's definitely easier than doing the opposite! (Showing you one difficulty of that system!!)

SBI Looks Out For Us


Does any company you may consider provide EVERYTHING you need for only one yearly, very reasonable fee? And I mean "Have Your Back" for whatever background details you can't even anticipate?

For instance: Google updates, international or U.S. laws affecting your site, ongoing free interactive Learning Challenges, & The Newest Thing: Using AI. Etc., etc., etc.?

Just One Example: When Google required sites to be secure with HTTPS protocol. SBI helped us automatically!  Our sites were converted from HTTP to HTTPS. SBI handled it flawlessly for us, at no extra cost. No added payment for SSL Security Certificate!

SBI made our lives easier again!

I could give you many other examples. (You can Ask Me> for more) But suffice it to say: SBI has our backs. They do everything they can to let SBI website builders focus on making our websites and businesses. Not dealing with intricacies of the internet world.


Not paying extra for all kinds of add-ons. What a relief for a side hustle budget!!


Site Build It! has my total confidence.

  • They provide absolutely stellar customer service - watching out for SBI users.
  • The excellent forums add to it. Helpful advice all around you! Just ask, even.
  • Plus regular Zooms for individual help
  • Interactive Challenge Sessions for learning and/or upgrading to better your site
  • Their Support immediately helps if there are issues I need assistance with.

Imagine using a free/el-cheapo website for your business. No help dealing with regulatory and Internet issues and changes that can be nightmarish for small businesses to deal with.


We at SBI have no worries. I just can't help but say - SBI is the WHOLE PACKAGE!

From start to finish, you're supplied with a user-friendly, business-building, website-building, fantastic system!

I hope this SBI review is showing you what I mean. I always say over & over, how much I love using SBI for my website/business builder!

But if you have any questions for them, for Site Build It! themselves - you can even get Fast SBI Action>

Authentic vs Fake Solo Build It Review


Our Solo Build It Review is to encourage your evaluation for yourself. Perhaps you're searching for an online side hustle to work from home.

That's how I did it. It's a good method.


Take caution, because fake reviews circulate out there on the internet!

Fake News is a recent media topic. Not a good thing, for sure! You want accurate, trust-worthy reports for evaluation.

Using critical thinking & authentic investigation is welcomed by SBI. We suggest you research things you're told, read or see. If you see SBI Reviews, be sure what you're reading is legit. By people who actually have had or now have SBI websites.

Fake Factory Sign

There are many Solo Build It Reviews, written by those who know SBI, use it and love it! Just like me!

Do an internet search Solo Build It reviews, you'll find fake reviews.

Written by scammers to fool you. Taking you down the road with lies, to sell you some "product." But there's no real value product. They don't even know SBI, or how it works.

Search Quality using Critical Thinking

We know SBI is a real product, that's a business building system. Why we wholeheartedly recommend it. To create an authentic True-Value business, using a proven website building method.

Fake reviewers have their nasty methods. But they can't compare success! Solo Build It always has tons of verifiable proof: Successful Sites by real people with online home businesses.


Online fake reviews are problematic. Misleading people to make money, taking your hard-earned cash! Search Google for "fake reviews" to see what a problem it is.

I wrote this page to share my Solo Build It story, to review why I Love It! To get you My True Story. With real experience & information, if you're thinking of starting a home business online.

Concluding My Side Gig Story Share

We build our website into a home business with Solo Build It. It's more and more successful every day.

It's an authentic business builder, because it's not here only to build a website. Solo Build takes you through everything From Step One, for your website's business success. And we mean everything!!

We hope you'll check it out, because it's the real thing.

Karen & Bill

Couple in Sedona Arizona

P.S. If you're considering your own website for a home business, for full transparency - if you click any links for Solo Build It here in this SBI Review, and then order, we do receive a small commission.

And we appreciate that - for it helps us keep our website running. It's also the only affiliate earnings we receive for the purchase of a website-building program. So if you do try it out - and order SBI: Thank You!!

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  1. Mission: Palm Trees Site Map - Index for All Content Listed

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    Mission: Palm Trees site map - We've updated again. Find what you need here. All pages listed by category headings. A complete site index listing.

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