The golden cane palm tree Adds Tropical Beauty to your home. Dypsis lutescens is also known as the areca palm, butterfly palm, or bamboo palm.
Were you looking for one? Or maybe already have one, yet you want more details. Either way, we're here to help you out.
The golden cane palm tree is native to Eastern Madagascar. Naturally growing at silty riversides. With its long-time, world-wide popularity, it's been regularly sourced for nursery sellers. Its native environment has also been cleared for agricultural & development needs.
So, sadly it's now threatened in its endemic natural habitat.
Loved For its Gorgeous Looks, especially For Growing Indoors, but also Planting It Outside in the Right Climate. If you're thinking You'll Buy One, we'll let you in on the particulars of:
At Mission: Palm Trees
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Since the Golden Can Palm Tree, Dypsis lutescens, is native to warm, humid rainy forests of Madagascar, it's not at all cold-hardy. The USDA Hardiness Zones it easily does well in are only 10b & 11.
But many have grown this palm in Zone 10a successfully. It seems to be able to endure temperatures down to 25°F/-3.9C.
Do you live in a cold winter climate, but you love this palm and still want it?
Whether you'll be able to plant Dypsis lutescens in Your Tropical Landscape, or choose to display it to enhance your indoor space, it's sure to add that tropical beauty to your life.
For helping you decide, let's look into the details of its form - how it looks.
The Golden Cane Palm is a clustering palm tree species. Meaning from its main starter trunk, it produces offshoot trunks, or stems.
Its cluster can widen outward to 20ft/6m. The total height of the palm can reach 35ft/10.7m. Relatively a small upward growth in the palm world.
It has pinnate, feathery style leaves.
Fronds vary a bit in length, from 6ft/2m to 8ft/2.5m long. They flow easily & attractively with any breeze.
The trunk's diameter is 2-3in/5-7.6cm, which is pretty skinny! Two stunning traits many appreciate for their in-palm contrast:
With these shades of yellow, you can see how it's "golden cane" name arrived. In fact, the 2nd word of its scientifically named Dypsis lutescens (the epithet) means growing yellow in Latin.
Its cane-like, or bamboo-like trunk, for its striping has it also nicknamed Yellow Bamboo Palm.
A Golden Cane Palm Tree has its particular needs, whether inside or outside.
It hungers for bright sunlight to look its best: the ability to show its colors. As an indoor palm, it needs a nearby sunny westerly or southerly window.
It does like lots of water, but the soil it's planted in must drain well. For its Nutritional Needs, give it a Palm Specific Fertilizer with appropriate timing.
To show its outstanding Palm Parts (trunk, petioles & rachis [leaf stems]), Prune Your Palm by thinning. Because with thick growth, nipping some side shoots in the bud allows it to show its colors.
You can find a place to Buy Your Golden Cane. They're available to order online. Likely, though, a nearby nursery or garden center carries them. Be sure they have a good reputation.
You should expect your palm to look healthy. Fronds with lots of Leaf Browning or unnatural sagging is a warning. It will already experience some trauma when you transplant it. Get its starting life with you on the right foot!
They cost around $40 & up, depending on size, shipping, etc. Look for a reasonable warranty.
Golden Canes are generally low-maintenance & easily grown. But...
The one weakness of Dypsis lutescens is a pest attack. One favoring the Golden Cane Palm Tree is spider mites. They love fronds when there's not enough humidity. Like indoors in winter.
So keep that in mind. Be proactively watchful for them. While providing the conditions that don't attract them.
If a stormy weather event comes along, your outdoor golden cane palm could suffer damage. But don't overly worry, as they're relatively resilient. Often recovering from minor damage.
Trim off any fronds with broken petioles. If fronds or leaflets were frayed, leave them unless they begin showing signs of pest attack, or discoloring.
Now that your golden cane palm is about to come home, think about your aim for it. Will it be a Potted Palm for inside your home? Or do you have the right climate to grow one in your landscape?
There are several Landscaping Design options to consider:
Using this palm indoors may give your space a calming, stress-reducing aura. Only one of the reasons why they're a great addition to your home.
When growing your palm indoors, remember it needs to be near a bright window. If you have a sunroom, that's a fabulous place for it.
Recall its main vulnerability. The indoor environment is typically inviting to those pesky spider mites. In winter especially, when air moisture levels drop. Find ways to increase humidity to prevent these pests. For instance, a room humidifier.
Its lush green fronds are very useful inside, for their air-purifying properties. Taking in built up carbon dioxide & using that to create clean oxygen for breathing. That's How They Grow!
This palm is a real gem in the indoor ornamental plant world.
Will you be adding a Golden Cane Palm Tree to your home or garden today?
We've seen that with some care & attention, this stunning plant can prosper for years to come. The golden cane palm is a wonderful choice for anyone to bring the tropical feel to their life.