Worried about your parlor palm having brown leaf tips?
You're not alone. Many indoor gardeners love the tropical style of this plant, but have this issue. But is it a problem? Or is it just a normal part of your palm's life cycle?
We've researched this issue to help you find out.
If you've begun seeing brown tips on your parlor palm (Chamaedorea elegans), your plant does have a problem.
Your parlor palm dry brown leaves at the frond tips should be given attention. Because dying, necrotic areas will typically spread.
Years ago we had indoor plants in our home. Some were given as gifts. Yet I was never very good at attending to their needs, or figuring out if something was wrong.
I'd had numerous potted palms die on me! I'd always been more concerned with our outdoor plantings. So I gave up on trying any indoors.
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But by helping others, I learned more.
Discovering this problem is usually fixable. So don't panic!
Here's a safety precaution, if you're not yet aware of this.
Exposure to direct sunlight can cause your parlor palm's leaf browning.
Their native outdoor environment is in rain forests of Central America & Southern Mexico. Growing beneath much taller plants that shade them.
The leaves can get a scorching sunburn.
You'll notice brown tipped fronds. Parlor Palms are best with a lighting strength of 25 to 50 Light Candles.
That's using low-level, indirect light when indoors.
Probably the most common reason for parlor palm brown tips is overwatering.
They like regular moisture, but not so much they're waterlogged. Overwatering can cause roots to rot, leading to browning frond tips.
If your watering schedule isn't just right, these may attack:
Low humidity isn't a common cause of parlor palm brown tips.
Even though they're native to tropical rain forests, where it's highly humid. Parlor Palms are easygoing in regular home conditions.
The main problem is low humidity attracts spider mites to indoor palms.
Are Brown Leaf Tips Due to Nutrient Deficiency?
Although generally a rare problem, it's more common than diseases. If your Parlor Palm isn't Getting Enough Nutrients, leaflet tips can turn brown.
Soils Should Contain the Nutrients they need. Does your palm get the appropriate dosing of Palm Fertilizer? Can nutrition be too little, or too much?
Palm fertilizers should cover Parlor Palm needs.
Keep in mind that the sunnier the placement, the more fertilizer is needed.
Iron Deficiency is the most common nutritional problem.
Root area distresses are usually the problem source for potted palms. Older Parlor Palm leaves get those brown tips first.
Inadequate Magnesium causes palm stress.
Inadequate Phosphorus can affect Parlor Palms.
Inadequate Potassium causes brown frond tips on the oldest leaves.
Boron & Fluoride Toxicity happens from using your water tap. Your water's safe fluoride level for palms is under 11ppm. Boron toxicity can happen with levels above 4ppm.
Air Pollution
When bringing your potted parlor palm outdoors in warm weather. Airborne hydrogen fluoride & acid rain can have detrimental affects. Causing dead brown leaflet tips, among other symptoms.
Often it's best to use your local testing service to analyze leaves & potting material.
Soil pH is fine within 4.5 to 8. Environmental testing labs are the place to go. We find our choices by consulting the University of Arizona Cooperative Extension.
Now that we know what causes brown tips on parlor palms, how can we solve it?
Could it be Overwatering is The Issue?
Easy solution.
Change your Watering Schedule. Monitor your Parlor Palm's soil moisture. When the top two inches/51mm dry out, it's time to water. After an hour, remove the saucer's drainage.
You think it's low humidity?
Remember, medium, average humidity is fine. You might Add a Room Humidifier nearby if you're concerned. Or place a tray of water nearby.
Excess direct sunlight a problem?
Move your parlor palm where it receives indirect light. Near north and/or east-facing windows are a good choice.
Unsure about your care & fertilizing plan?
Apply a palm balanced (3N/1P/2K), Slow-Release Fertilizer to the soil. Check fertilizer instructions, along with the best scheduling. That's applying twice during growing season (spring, summer & fall). None in the winter. Check for micro/macronutrient percentages.
Keep cleaning sprays away from your parlor palm. Don't let the soil dry out for months. Keep the Container Saucer dry.
There are solutions to help your parlor palm do well. Prevention is always better for your Parlor Palm.
Overall, these potted palms are Quite Easily Maintained. They don't often have problems. Even not needing pruning, as lower fronds fall off.
Placement Not Good? Move your palm away from direct sunlight.
Double-Check Your Watering Schedule. Keeping soil uniformly moist, until the surface dries out.
Remember Fertilizing! Add Palm Time-Release Fertilizer. Then fertilize twice during the growing season.
Worried About Humidity? You can regularly Mist the Fronds. Especially if/when their location is a heated room. Keep it away from heat/AC drafts.
Repot Only When Necessary. Generally, every other year at most.
Prevent Spider Mites, which love potted palms. Better than solving their infestation! To do that, use one of those Baby Medicine Syringes. Fill it with water & spray leaflet undersides.
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One lesser used common name for Chamaedorea elegans is: Good Luck Palm. It's relatively easy to have good luck for this plant's care!
Brown tips on your parlor palm can be prevented. Or diagnosed & solved with a few adjustments to your care routine.
Remember, caring for a parlor palm is normally a delightful and satisfying journey. If problems pop up along the way, there are fixes to keep your palm looking its best.
Now, if you see brown tips on your parlor palm, don't worry. You have what's needed to identify the problem. Plus methods to solve it.