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Life Amid the Palms

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Scary - Weird Palm Trees

Did you ever hear of any scary or weird palm tree stories? We've got some for you!

So settle down with your Support Animal, Stuffed Animal or Support Blankie. OR whatever you use to get through scary or weird times!

Oh, but it won't really be all that bad!! You'll probably think, wow - that's crazy! I never knew that.

Or if you had heard about these scary & weird palm trees, you maybe haven't thought about them in awhile.

Until we had to go & bring it up...


Scary and weird palm tree

Is It Weird Palm Love?

Or a Palm Being Devoured?

St. Augustine Florida has a balmy, humid climate. That's one reason this sort of thing can happen, they say.

This odd accompaniment is on the property of Bar Harbor Cheesecake Company. In the town's Historic District.

An oak tree began growing. Later, a palm seed made its way near the young oak. That palm tree also began to grow.

Palm trunks reach a maximal steady-state width. Once that's achieved, they begin upward growth. While an oak gains trunk girth with each year.

This oak began "enveloping" areas of the palm's trunk!

Famous Tree of Love in Florida


It seems it may be a love story.

In fact its reputation is famous as the "Love Tree of St. Augustine." Because the plants help each other out. The oak's roots grow deeper than the palm's. So each plant can source water from different soil areas. They don't compete, it seems - they cooperate.

Just like a loving couple!


Legend has it that if you visit the entwined love trees & walk underneath. Then kiss your true love, that love will last forever! People have been visiting for years, doing just that. Marriage Proposals under these love trees regularly happen!

Weird & Legendary Coco de Mer Palm

Endemic to islands in the Seychelles, this Palm Tree Grows Fruit that's generated legends through the years! Several are attached to this largest palm tree fruit of all. In fact, it contains the biggest seed in the entire plant kingdom!

Also called the Love Nut & Sea Coconut.

It's officially Lodoicea maldivica. The pith of the fruit is very dense. Making it quite a heavy seed. See its weird shape...


As an island palm, the Coco de Mer often grows near the coast. A sailor's old & kinda crazy legend began when boatmen saw this palm's fruit.

Word spread among sailors that they believed there was an undersea Palm Grove!

Coco de Mer nuts rolling into the waves got carried away by currents. Because of their weight, they'd sink.

After awhile they rotted from the insides. Which creates deterioration gasses. Along with losing heft/weight.

Then they'd pop up to the sea surface. Leading to that strange legendary belief!

The claim was the genus Lodicea honored French King Louis XV.

Seems more likely it was named for Laodice, the legendary & lovely princess of Troy. Because of the next...


Coco de Mer has separate male & female trees. The two make "babies" mostly with the help of wind. Local snails & geckos like their flowers. They're also probably pollination helpers.

  • Taller male palms produce a 6-ft (1.83m) long catkin inflorescence. It's 3 inches (91.4 cm) thick. Scattered tiny star-like flowers appear on the surface.
  • Inflorescence branches of the shorter female have the largest blooms of the palm world!

Take a look at the male inflorescence. Then remember the look of the fruit produced. You'll perhaps figure out other legends for this palm!

A Really Scary Palm

Imagine walking leisurely through a nice trail in Belize, or along the tropical coast of Mexico. Up ahead you see crowns of palm fronds.

You'll be heading through a nice palmy grove!

Very spiny palm treeNice view of palms from afar. But watch - because it's armed!


As you get closer, it gets scary. Yikes, there are a million spikes!!

Spiny trunk, spiny petioles & spiny rachis. The flower spathe is covered in spines, which then produces egg-shaped brown fruit all covered with black spines. Wow! 

Don't get too close, as you pass by! Pay attention - cuz you could get attacked by this armed palm!

Is This the Scariest Palm of All?

Zombies have been a thing lately. Lots of shows & flicks with zombies attacking & scaring the life out of everybody. Have you seen any? We've watched a few.

Well, meet the Zombie Palm: Zombia antillarum. Native to Hispaniola, also having spines. On matted multiple clustering trunks.

Zombie Palm TreeA Zombie Palm Tree Has Been Set Loose!


The genus word "Zombia" actually comes from the Haitian Creole language for this palm. In that Official Language of Haiti, the people call it latanier zombi. Which means Ghost Palm. Something else that makes it scarier still! But maybe only because it produces  "ghostly" white fruit?

Zombia antillarum is also called the Ghost PalmScary palm spikes on the trunk of the Zombia antillarum - That's Certainly Unnerving!

Is it weird that the epithet, antillarum, means "of the Antilles"? The Antilles of the Caribbean, which are made up of 50 islands. 

We hope it all wasn't too weird, or too scary!

Probably not. Palm trees aren't really known to put the outright petrifying fear into people. Right! But hope you enjoyed reading about these strange palms.

We have other Strange Palms to Read About, too - if you'd like!

Til Next Time,

Karen & Bill of Mission: Palm Trees

Karen and Bill of Life Amid the Palms

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