Finding a palm tree guide is pretty easy.
The thing is, will it meet your needs? When you're looking for a guide to palm trees, what is it you need help with? There are multiple ways a palm guide could be helpful.
We're rating A Few Guides to Palm Trees. Because we've used quite a number of them! We figure we can give you our critique - our reviews to help you decide on Palm Tree Books that give you what you want and/or need.
The first we'll tell you about is one we use when we travel throughout the southeastern United States. That's next...
At Mission: Palm Trees
Palm lovers can calm their palm-related search tasks & worries. Our articles are intended to inform, while having fun, easily Finding What You Want or Need. Without unneeded shoptalk & tiring endless research. We Research For You!
You may want to use this simple palm tree guide.
Covering palms found in the Southeastern United States. We have it, and use it from time to time. Especially when we travel to visit our cousin in North Carolina, we always take it along!
Because when you know where to look, you can Find Palm Trees in North Carolina!
When we leave NC, we normally take the Southern route back to Arizona. Since we'd taken a more northerly course to get to North Carolina. We like to see areas Where Palm Trees Grow. We love taking Palm Tree Viewing Road Trips!
We find this particular little Palm Tree Guide very handy while traveling the southeastern coast of the United States.
FTC Disclosure: If you purchase via a link/ ad on this site, we may earn a small royalty. There's no added cost to you. Thanks much for any looks/ orders! Details>
To give you an idea of how it solves palm tree identification. We think overall it does a very good job for figuring out the most common palms you'll find in these states. To recognize them.
Below see our review of Common Palms of the Southeast, nest. To size up its usefulness as a guide to palm trees in the southeastern United States.
We have several other Guides to Palm Trees we regularly use.
We find these to be the best. We've purchased some that are very good - to not very good.
Usually when we look for Palm Tree Related Books, we do this:
There are other places to go, of course. Sometimes you'll find free books from Google Books.
Drawbacks to some of them are:
We'll give you Reviews of our favorites. The Palm Tree Guides we use most often. Including those we like and can recommend, and one that's not among the best.
By Robert Lee Riffle. Our copy is from 2008. Note: the author passed away in 2006.
We Use This Guide regularly.
What's really nice are his category lists. Palm species:
Etc. It's compact for all the info it has. It's Our Go-To Book for finding initial info on an unfamiliar palm.
We'd recommend this as 1st choice for a palm tree guide.
By Timothy K. Borschat & Alan W. Meerow (well-known palm tree experts). Along with Monica L. Elliott (a Plant Diseases expert).
We have the 2nd edition from 2017. We had the 1st edition from 2000, found it so useful, we got The Updated One.
This book is quite useful to us. The newer edition adds updated science & even more photos. Be aware there is lots of technical info & jargon. They give explanations, but sometimes it requires bouncing around.
It has a wealth of information, including the miscellaneous things that can attack a palm. Anything you can think of about for Ornamental Palm Knowledge! It's excellent if it suits your needs.
By Robert Lee Riffle & Paul Craft, 2012: 2nd Edition.
We have The 1st Edition. from 2003. We see in that newer edition, there are less species, but the same amount of pictures.
This large reference is useful for discovering even more details on familiar palms. But then has many others you have no clue about - until you look it up here!
First it's a summary of each genus (alphabetically), including the number of species.
However it doesn't necessarily list all the species. Still, most anything you want to look up will be here. With the usual details, plus loads more you won't find elsewhere.
It has photos of most, but they're gathered together in a separate section in front. (Some people don't like that - it doesn't bother us!) Easy-peasy to get to the ones you want to see.
For us, we find it very useful. If you're seriously into studying palms, you may also. Palm browsers, those trying to identify palms, & beginning palm enthusiasts may not find it suited for their purposes.
By Martin Gibbons.
Subtitled "The new Compact Study Guide and Identifier." From 1993.
Fairly old, which may account for some of our dissatisfaction(?). And you can pick it up used quite cheaply!
The author began a UK business (where he's well-known), that still sells palms. Now run by his son, I believe.
The book's intro says he hopes it will be "not only a useful guide, but a means of adding to the enjoyment on any vacation or business trip to the tropics." That may be the positive point for a purchase.
But he also says it can be useful for growing palms. So the drawbacks:
If you have a choice of books, we don't recommend this one. We bought it. Now it sits on our bookshelf. We rarely open it since our first evaluation.
We hope some of these books that we think are good will help you out. They all have some type of guidance for learning about palms. Even good as a guide to palm tree identification.
We've shown you our take on the value you'll have by ordering one of these Guides to Palm Trees.
Happy Palm Trails!